South Korean manga Solo Leveling imagines that the world we live in is being encroached upon by monsters who reside in dungeons, connected to our realm via portals known as gates. Along with the rise of these beasts, special powers and abilities have awoken in some humans, known as Hunters. Each Hunter has their own fixed powers and abilities, which never change, and are ranked according to their strength; the weakest of them all is the E class, and it’s one of these lowly Hunters, Sung Jinwoo, that the story of Solo Leveling focuses on.
When Jinwoo is killed along with most of the other Hunters in his party, he’s revived by a mysterious technology that keeps leveling up his powers. Solo Leveling’s premise makes it a great fit for UniVersus, and it even has all new mechanics too. Which cards from the Solo Leveling set are fans most keen to get their hands on? Let’s take a look.
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Toggle10. Double Dungeon – Ultra Rare, SL01 12/20
The Cartenon Temple is a pivotal location within Solo Leveling; it appears at the opening of the story, and is the place where Sung Jinwoo’s death, and resurrection, initially took place. It was a secondary dungeon that his party discovered after clearing the first, hence the designation as a “Double Dungeon.”
In Universus, the Double Dungeon is a Unique Foundation, which allows you to take advantage of an entirely new mechanic: leveling up, using the Skill Tree. This is an exciting and highly thematic new aspect to UniVersus, which shows just how closely the game’s designers are sticking to the lore of Solo Leveling.
9. Killing Intent – Uncommon (Alt), SL01 8/20
An attack card which has a fairly high cost of five, Killing Intent has a difficulty of four (attacking in the low zone) and deals five damage. It also has an excellent ability, which has the Seal keyword, which can remove all of the abilities from one of your opponent’s Foundation cards.
8. Determined Cut – Uncommon (Alt), SL01 5/20
Another attack card, Determined Cut can deal three damage if it hits, but an extra three damage for each momentum card used to pay its cost. In the right hands, at the right time, it can be an absolutely devastating card to us. This alternate art variant of the card is the most highly sought after variant, but there’s a standard version in the Solo Leveling Challenger Series deck too.
7. Leveling Strength – Common (Alt), SL01 17/20
Though it’s a common card, this variant of Leveling Strength is much harder to get hold of, featuring alternate art (and, currently, the only chance of getting hold of this is in the single Collector Booster found in each Solo Leveling Challenger Series deck!).
A low-cost Foundation card, Leveling Strength has a pretty simple ability: it can be used during the Enhance step to give an attack +2 damage, as long as it can be committed (that is, turned sideways). It’s a versatile and very handy card to have in your deck and in play; it also has a difficulty check number of five, making it extremely useful even if it doesn’t make it to your play area!
6. Dungeoneering Armor – Common (Alt), SL01 13/20
There are just 20 unique cards in the Solo Leveling set, so even the common cards are worth checking out; that’s certainly the case not just for the already-covered Leveling Strength, but also for Dungeoneering Armor too.
A way of reducing attack damage (appropriately!), Dungeoneering Armor can be used as a Response, but also as an Enhance card; though in the case of the latter, it will be Sacrificed. With a low play cost of two and a difficulty check number of five, it’s another great (and versatile) card to have in your deck, whether or not it’s entirely themed around Solo Leveling.
5. Double Dungeon – Ultra Rare (Alt), SL01 12/20
Halfway down the list of our most wanted UniVersus Solo Leveling cards, we have Double Dungeon making a, well, double appearance (sorry!). Though of course, being the same card, it’s functionally identical to the non-alternate art variant, this Double Dungeon is definitely being sought out for its striking illustration!
4. World’s Weakest Hunter – Ultra Rare, SL01 11/20
Poor Sung Jinwoo doesn’t just start as an E-ranked Hunter, but he’s also known as the weakest Hunter in the world. However, the World’s Weakest Hunter card is far from being a low-powered attack; it may only deal three damage, but it’s reasonably difficult to block, with a difficulty of five (albeit in the middle zone).
Its response is pretty useful too, with this being able to trigger after World’s Weakest Hunter deals damage; you can use it to draw cards for each foundation card you remove from your stage (though you can only remove one at a time), and this builds up to a maximum of three cards.
3. Hunter’s Dagger – Ultra Rare, SL01 2/20
The spectacular Hunter’s Dagger card is an Asset with zero cost, and a powerful Enhance/Response ability that can make your opponent’s character bleed, each time they attack! It’s no wonder that this Ultra Rare card is so sought after; not only does it look great, but it’s an excellent card to actually use in-game too.
2. World’s Weakest Hunter – Ultra Rare (Alt), SL01 11/20
Yes, it’s the World’s Weakest Hunter card again; this time in its alternate art variant. Of course, functionally it does exactly the same things as the standard World’s Weakest Hunter card, but its status as an Ultra Rare, alternate art card makes it that much more sought after.
1. Hunter’s Dagger – Ultra Rare (Alt), SL01 2/20
As mentioned, with only 20 cards in the set overall, it’s no wonder that we see some of the cards more than once in this list, in both their standard and alternate art variants. At our top spot is the alternate art variant of Hunter’s Dagger, with a vibrantly colored illustration that really makes this card pop; in our humble opinion, it’s the most visually striking card in the Solo Leveling set.
So we’re not surprised to see this claim the top spot on the list of the most wanted UniVersus Solo Leveling cards. Given the popularity of Solo Leveling and the intriguing new level up mechanic that the set brings to UniVersus, it’d be a shame if we didn’t see more Solo Leveling cards making their way to the game.
Are you a Solo Leveling fan who has yet to play UniVersus? Check out our complete beginner’s guide to UniVersus to find out more on the game itself. If you’re interested in the Solo Leveling deck itself, check out our review and upgrade guide to get started and level up!
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