Meta(l)Game (Arceus Ex) – Pokémon TCG Pocket Deck Tech

Arceus Ex Deck Tech

Welcome to our second Pokémon TCG Pocket deck tech surrounding Triumphant Light‘s metagame! Through the meta analysis surrounding the new season of battles, there is one Pokémon that stands out among the rest. No matter if we’re talking about its base version or its Pokémon ex iteration, Arceus is a big deal. However, it’s probably reasonable to say that Arceus ex is the stronger of the two. As such, multiple decks have sprung up as a result of this card’s release, focused either on the God of all Pokémon, or defeating the God of all Pokémon.

To that end, we decided to roll with Pokémon’s own mightiest deity, though not without some assistance.

This deck is one we call Meta(l)game. It’s an Arceus ex deck that powers out wins through Metal-type Energy acceleration, thanks to Dialga ex, and a Bench full of strong Basic Pokémon. This deck has been dominating the meta game lately; you may see where we’re going with the deck name.

Pokémon TCG Pocket Deck: Meta(l)Game

The decklist for Meta(l)Game, a deck from Pokémon TCG Pocket. Image credit: EXBurst
The decklist for Meta(l)Game, a deck from Pokémon TCG Pocket. Image credit: EXBurst

Pokémon: 6

Items: 4

Pokémon Tools: 2

Supporters: 8

Time for the Meta

This Pokémon TCG Pocket deck is no slouch when it comes to deep cuts. With cards spanning the current entirety of the PTCGP canon (so to speak), Meta(l)Game seeks to only use the best options for each aspect of necessities when deckbuilding. As such, this deck is tailor-suited to take down most any opponent that stands in its way.

Dialga ex, a card from Space-Time Smackdown, the second full Pokémon TCG Pocket set. Illustrated by PLANETA CG Works.
Dialga ex, a card from Space-Time Smackdown, the second full Pokémon TCG Pocket set. Illustrated by PLANETA CG Works.

This deck prefers that you lead in with Dialga ex, powering out Metal Energy onto Arceus ex, Mew ex, or another Dialga ex. All the while, you’ll be filling your Bench with as many Pokémon as you can. Eventually you’ll Retreat Dialga ex into Arceus ex and summarily beat face with all the power of a god… And another 60 damage from having three Benched Pokémon by its side.

Supporting Acolytes

Naturally this deck will need some degree of support pieces to keep it running like a well-oiled domination machine. To this end, we’ve added one Shaymin from Space-Time Smackdown as a source of constant healing, as well as two copies of Potion. We’ve also included two copies of Giant Cape to make sure any setup is done more smoothly. We have a smooth disruption suite in raw damage from Giovanni and Retreat disruption from Sabrina and Cyrus, at one apiece.

Finally, we have obligatory card advantage in Poké Ball and Professor’s Research, Energy manipulation in Dawn, and Retreat aids in Leaf. The Trainer suite in this deck, as well as the healing from Shaymin, all help us achieve victory efficiently.

Alms And Tithings (Meta(l)Game In-Game Deck Costs)

Here’s the full breakdown of costs in the in-game currency for the Meta(l)Game deck listed above:

  • Shop Tickets: 12
  • Pack Points: 3,210
    • Genetic Apex: 140
      • Charizard: 70
      • Mewtwo: 70
    • Mythical Island: 640
    • Space-Time Smackdown: 1,430
      • Dialga: 1,360
      • Palkia: 70
    • Triumphant Light: 1,000

With a whopping Pack Point cost of 3,210 points, this is definitely the most expensive Pokémon TCG Pocket deck we’ve covered to date. And that’s for less than three-quarters of the build! Like the original theme song of the anime suggests, this deck has you “searching far and wide” for every piece needed. With five Pokémon ex in this deck and no set-released card under a 2-Diamond rarity, it’ll most assuredly set you back a fair amount of Pack Points.

Pokémon TCG Pocket Pack Trajectory

For this build, we recommend going ham on the Dialga subset of Space-Time Smackdown first. In that subset, you’ll find Dialga ex, Dawn, Shaymin, and your two copies of Giant Cape. After this point, ideally, you’ll have enough Pack Points to purchase one Cyrus from the set without even having to touch the Palkia packs.

Then it’s all aboard the Triumphant Light Express! Unfortunately, all you need from this newest set for Meta(l)Game is two copies of Arceus ex. Hope you went hard for the mini-set! With a need for two identical Pokémon ex, things won’t ease up for a bit.

Following our pilgrimage to the second mini-set, we venture to the first mini-set, Mythical Island, to grab a Mew ex and two copies of Leaf. This is where things should at least start to become much simpler. After the 640 Pack Points needed, all you want to do is grab a Sabrina from a Charizard subset pack of Genetic Apex followed by a Giovanni from the Mewtwo subset. Finish up by spending twelve Shop Tickets on the Promo-A cards, and that’s the deck, right there in your phone!

They do say the journey is more important than the destination, so hopefully you got some other cool cards in this process.

Arceus ex, a card from Triumphant Light, the newest Pokémon TCG Pocket mini-set. Illustrated by PLANETA CG Works.
Arceus ex, a card from Triumphant Light, the newest Pokémon TCG Pocket mini-set. Illustrated by PLANETA CG Works.

Bow To Your Meta(l)-God

There is one issue with the Arceus ex decks in the meta right now. That problem is Sudowoodo. We covered this danger to Pokémon ex in our previous article, which covered the Top 5 Best cards from Triumphant Light. Feel free to give that a read if you want a deeper explanation of why Sudowoodo is so menacing to the God of all Pokémon.

But let’s open the floor up to you, dear reader. Have you played against this kind of Pokémon TCG Pocket deck before? How did you manage to overcome it in battle? Did you enjoy facing it? Are you trying to build it now and if you have already, how do you enjoy playing with it? Sound off below!

While you’re waiting for your Daily Packs to refresh, feel free to take a look at our previous deck tech, Grisly Scales, which concerns Garchomp ex!

Josh Nelson

Josh Nelson

Josh Nelson wears many hats. They are a music journalist when not writing gaming news. Beyond this, they're a scholar of the Sweeney Todd urban legend, a fan of monster-taming RPGs, and a filthy Macro Cosmos player. Josh has been playing card games of all sorts since 1998 and attributes their tenure to nostalgia, effort, and "aesthetic".

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