Yzmir Starter Deck Review and Upgrade Path – Altered TCG

We’re digging into the Yzmir Starter Deck and upgrading it along two different paths. We have a lot more options now since Trial by Frost.
Altered TCG Suspended and Banned Updates

With the release of Trial by Frost and the new Suspended and Banned list, big things are happening in Altered.
Trial by Frost: First Impressions of Altered’s Second Set

Trial by Frost releases today! So what are our first impressions of the new Altered TCG expansion set? Find out here.
Bravos Starter Deck Review and Upgrade Path – Altered TCG

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the Bravos faction in Altered TCG? Let’s take a look at the starter deck to find out.
Ordis Starter Deck Review and Upgrade Path – Altered TCG

We’re diving into another Altered TCG Starter Deck. This time we’re looking at Ordis, led by Sigismar & Wingspan.
Muna Starter Deck Review and Upgrade Paths – Altered TCG

Daniel Yam joins the CG team to show us everything going on in Altered. Here’s his review and upgrade guide for the Muna Starter Deck.