The Best Cards in Digimon Special Booster 2.5 (Part 2)

We finish our review of new Digimon set Special Booster 2.5 by digging into the cards that have already impacted the Japanese meta.
The Best Cards in Digimon Special Booster 2.5 (Part 1)

Digimon’s newest booster set, Special Booster 2.5, is upon us. So let’s take a look at the set and see how it will affect the meta.
The Big Digimon Winners of BCGFest Orlando

One of the biggest TCG tournaments happened at the recent BCGFest in Orlando. Let’s see who were the big winners in the Digimon tournament.
What to Look for in EX08: Chain of Liberation

What’s good in the new Digimon set, Chain of Liberation? Which deck archetypes get the most help from the new cards? Let’s take a look.
The Purple Hybrid Theory – Digimon TCG

We’re kicking off a new series of Digimon content with a deck tech for Purple Hybrid, featuring Duskmon and Velgrmon.