Hearthstone Into the Emerald Dream: Card Reveal (Day 1)

Into the Emerald Dream Day 1 card reveals bring back some Druidstone vibes, with some cards looking meta-defining.
Hearthstone Into the Emerald Dream Day 1 Card Reveal

Images courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment

Hearthstone’s next expansion, Into the Emerald Dream, launches on March 25th, and today kicked off 35 days of card reveals. With new mechanics, the return of iconic characters, and plenty of mana-cheating antics, this set is already shaping up to be a wild ride. Right from the start, Blizzard is fully embracing the Druidstone vibes – which, if you check the trivia for Into the Emerald Dream, makes perfect sense.

So let’s take a closer look at the first cards revealed for Into the Emerald Dream and what they might mean for the upcoming meta!

Class Cards


Hearthstone Into the Emerald Dream Expansion- Card Reveal (Day 1) Class Legendaries

As of now, all these Legendaries are super difficult to evaluate. Like, is there even a point of trying without knowing the majority of the set? However, I will say a few words about Aviana making her return to the game — this time as a Priest legendary. Blizzard is really leaning into Druidstone with this one.

But jokes aside, this card has basically three things:

  • Mediocre stats; not the best for its mana cost, but not terrible either,
  • insane mana-cheating potential, which is always good in Hearthstone,
  • a highly polarizing effect.

Yeah, this is going to create some strong opinions in card reviews.

Its power level will largely depend on the available OTK potential in Standard, whether through Charge minions or direct damage. Currently, despite its incredibly strong effect, Priest lacks the necessary tools to fully capitalize on it. Additionally, the class will lose several key cards in the Hearthstone 2025 Standard rotation. However, the impact of Priest’s Imbue hero power remains unknown, so let’s keep that in mind.


Into the Emerald Dream Class Card Reveal Day 1

Okay… Beast Hunter, Evolve Shaman, Tempo Dragon Warrior, and Rogue with a horrible 1/3 weapon. That’s some hard 2016 Hearthstone vibes.

Aside from that Poisoned Blade tribute, all these cards seem solid – especially this Warrior package feels quite generous. This four-mana 6/6 looks super frustrating to deal with, particularly if the Dragon Warrior archetype takes off. And there are still many big Dragon cards to be revealed in this set.

Neutral Cards


Hearthstone Into the Emerald Dream Neutral Legendaries Day 1 Card Reveal

Next up, when it comes to Neutral Legendaries, we have three themes:

  • mana cheating,
  • mana cheating,
  • more mana cheating.

Naralex will surely see a lot of play in Wild, but in Standard… well, it really depends on the Dragons we’ll get. With the current pool, despite its flashy effect, I just don’t see it.

On the other hand, Malorne the Waywatcher will definitely see play — because Imbue will see play. Pair it with Shudderblock, for example, and any Tempo-oriented Shaman deck not only gains a hand refill but also tremendous value, since these Wild God cards are essentially high-cost, board-interactive powerhouses. As for other classes… let’s wait with the judgment and see how Blizzard presents all Imbue hero powers.

Ysera, Emerald Aspect is a Legendary you can get for free just by logging in now. It seems like a solid choice for slower Druid and Warrior decks, both of which are all over the ladder right now. It looks like a super interesting tool for the current Terran Warrior archetype. I’m pretty sure someone will come up with an OTK strategy for it within hours; maybe in Protoss Mage?


Day 1 Card Reveal Neutral Hearthstone Cards

As for non-Legendary Neutrals, let’s be real. These are generic pack fillers.

So yeah, that’s Day 1 of card reveals for Into the Emerald Dream! Some cards look busted, some feel oddly nostalgic, and some are pack fillers.

But hey, there are still tons of cards left to be revealed! Maybe some of the pieces we’re missing will make today’s questionable picks look like absolute meta-breakers.

Aside from the new cards, we’re also eagerly awaiting the announcement of the Esports system, especially one that includes open cups. Yeah, open cups… Anyway, whatever Blizzard reveals, I highly recommend checking out two articles I recently wrote to help you prepare for the 2025 grind: Hearthstone Ranked System Explained, and How to Prepare for a Hearthstone Tournament.

Szymon Bielawski

Szymon Bielawski

Former competitive Hearthstone Master, known in the pro scene as fearsyndrome. I’ve been passionate about Hearthstone for over a decade, with multiple high ladder finishes and appearances in Masters Tour events. Currently sharing insights and tips for new players by creating engaging content at CardGamer!

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