Gold is one of the two most important currencies in Hearthstone’s economy system; without it, you virtually can’t build your collection. Sure, if you want to use your personal wallet, then well, be Blizzard’s guest, but… nah, “Free” is always the best price, isn’t it? And luckily for you, learning how to farm gold in Hearthstone is super straightforward – just check out these four tips, and you’re pretty much good to go for life!
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TogglePlaying Regularly
Logging in for a few quick matches each day is probably the best strategy to farm gold in Hearthstone, and is definitely a lot more productive than cramming everything into one huge session now and then.
That’s right, because “playing regularly” doesn’t mean you need to grind Hearthstone all day long. In fact, taking breaks when you feel burnt out can help you stay motivated and actually look forward to coming back. A good trick is to set small, clear goals for yourself, like:
- earning 150 gold per week
- completing at least two Weekly Quests before the weekend
- aiming for a small climb on the ranked ladder
- reaching a specific tier in your Rewards Track
These little objectives not only help you farm gold, but also keep your routine interesting and help you actually enjoy the game, which is even more important than being a “Gold Millionaire.”
Going for a Tavern Pass
In case you don’t know, Tavern Pass is basically a paid “upgrade” to Hearthstone’s Rewards Track, which gives you:
- 20% XP boost,
- exclusive hero skins,
- card backs,
- and other shiny perks.
Yeah, all that for $20. The main draw is, of course, that sweet XP multiplier; by leveling up faster, you’ll climb through the Rewards Track more quickly, which translates to:
- more gold,
- more packs,
- and more resources overall, such as free cards of high rarity.
Now, if you’re considering picking it up, it’s best to do so right when a new expansion drops. That way, you’ll have the entire expansion cycle to enjoy that XP bonus and rack up those higher-tier rewards.
And hey, no pressure – the Tavern Pass isn’t a must-have. It just makes gold farming feel smoother and gives you some extra bragging rights with flashy cosmetics. If you’re satisfied with a slower but still steady path to gold, you can absolutely skip it. But if you want to give your grind a considerable boost, the Tavern Pass is most definitely a solid option.
Focusing on Completing Your Daily & Weekly Quests
Hearthstone’s quest system is your bread and butter for farming gold (and by extension, XP):
- Daily Quests typically ask you to win games with a certain class or perform specific in-game actions, like playing 20 Beast minions.
- Weekly Quests tend to be bigger, like “Play 50 spells” or “Deal 200 damage to enemy heroes,” but they also award chunkier rewards.
Most quests can be completed in Ranked, Casual, Tavern Brawl, or even modes like Hearthstone Battlegrounds, so feel free to jump into whichever environment you find the most fun.
Moreover, if you’ve got a buddy who’s also on the Hearthstone grind, you can even complete some quests by challenging each other, which is especially handy if you both need “Play X cards” or “Win with X class” quests.
How to Efficiently Reroll Quests in Hearthstone
Rerolling quests is one of the most underrated tricks for maximizing both your gold and XP gains. Smart rerolls let you focus on quests you actually enjoy, which in turn keeps the gold and XP coming your way more steadily. And let’s face it, having fun while doing this is the only real way to make sure you keep coming back for more.
So, here are some tips on how to reroll quests to efficiently farm gold in Hearthstone:
- Start your week strong. You receive three new Weekly Quests every Monday at 12:00 AM (server time). Look them over right away and decide which ones you want to keep. By handling your reroll early in the week, you’ll have more time to finish the replacement quest if it pops up.
- Mind the 1000 XP threshold. As a general rule, any daily quest under 1000 XP is a prime reroll candidate. The odds of landing something more lucrative are generally in your favor, and it’s worth taking a shot at a bigger payout, even if you don’t always get it.
- Avoid wasting rerolls on solid quests. Sometimes you’ll get a perfectly fine quest – maybe “Win 5 games in any mode” or “Play 50 minions.” Even if it’s not in your dream class, it might still offer decent XP. Think carefully before rerolling a solid quest into something potentially worse.
- Coordinate Daily Quests with Weekly Quests. Look for synergy between your weekly and daily tasks. If your weekly quest involves casting 50 spells and your daily quest shows up with something like “Cast 25 spells,” you’ll breeze through both at once and save a ton of playtime.
Avoiding All “Going AFK for Gold” Strategies
Going “AFK for Gold,” essentially means leaving Hearthstone app open in the background or using scripts to rack up passive playtime (and supposedly extra gold) without actually playing. And it makes sense – at the end of the day, you get some XP for every game you participate in. Sure, if you play zero cards, the amount of XP is symbolic, but it’s better than zero, right? Well, no.
While this tactic floated around on forums and social media as an easy gold trick, and it actually worked, the only thing you can get for it now is… a permanent ban.
Blizzard’s systems easily detect (and penalize) players who remain inactive for extended periods. And even if it ever becomes possible again, the risk far outweighs any potential reward. Losing your account means losing every card, pack, and purchase you’ve made. Not worth it, my friend – not at all.
So, yeah, that’s how you farm gold in Hearthstone! Now download Hearthstone, follow the above-mentioned tips, and enjoy being Reno Jackson-like rich. Plus, if you have some spare time, be sure to check out Josh’s retrospective review of Yu-GI-Oh! The Eternal Duelist Soul. You’ll learn how those ’90s digital card games were just so, so different…