Magic: The Gathering D&D Movie Cards Getting WPN Promos

ICYMI: Magic: The Gathering will soon have in-universe versions of the Secret Lair x Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves cards.
The Magic: The Gathering Universes Beyond cards promoting Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves are getting a promotional Universes Within variant.

This spring, the Universes Beyond cards promoting the film Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves will receive much-needed Universes Within treatments. This means players can acquire in-universe versions of these relatively scarce Secret Lair cards. However, there’s a slight caveat to acquiring them.

What could that even mean? You can read more about this event series on Commander’s Herald to find out more about the promos!

Josh Nelson

Josh Nelson

Josh Nelson wears many hats. They are a music journalist when not writing gaming news. Beyond this, they're a scholar of the Sweeney Todd urban legend, a fan of monster-taming RPGs, and a filthy Macro Cosmos player. Josh has been playing card games of all sorts since 1998 and attributes their tenure to nostalgia, effort, and "aesthetic".

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