I am nameless in the eyes of the Dracai, but today I will prove my worthiness to them and gain their favor in Exposing you, assassin. It will be my great honor to drag you into the scorching Volcai sun for all to bear witness to your treachery against the Dynasty! Through this, my family will be honored, and I will surely gain the favor of the Dracai. You thought your network impenetrable, your sources infallible, but the Dracai see all in our eternal Dynasty. You will run, but you will never hide. Found in filth and darkness, a fitting end for one so low. Glory to Emperor!
A massive thank you to Legend Story Studios for the opportunity to reveal a card from the upcoming set, The Hunted!
Exposed is a generic attack reaction that reads:
If you are marked, you can’t play this.
Target attack gets +1 power.
Mark the defending hero.
Exposed brings an updated mode of Lunging Press to the card pool with the new Mark mechanic, and will be a card that lives in the back of the head of every opponent fighting a hero from The Hunted. The race to get value from your Exposed against an opposing Hunted hero will be dramatic in Limited; don’t get caught hanging onto it for too long!
Be sure to check with your local game store for The Hunted prereleases happening in your area, or on the Flesh and Blood Event Locator. If you get someone with an Exposed at your prerelease, let us know on Twitter or BlueSky so we can share the moment with you!
Want more Flesh and Blood? Read our Budget Guide of Dorinthea Ironsong, learn about the Living Legend format, or find out whether you should Play or Draw In a Game of Flesh and Blood.