Young Cindra on a Budget in Blitz

With Road to Nationals season dying down, let's move over to Blitz, and see what young Cindra can do on a budget.
Cindra Blitz Budget Deck Tech

Images courtesy of Legend Story Studios

Greetings and salutations my fabulous FAB folks! Welcome back to another installment in the budget Flesh and Blood decks series here on Card Gamer. As always, I’m some random #fabdad, maybe better known as Donnie K. Today we’re talking about another hero from Flesh and Blood’s newest set, The Hunted. However, since Road to Nationals season is winding down, instead of Classic Constructed, we’ll take a look at Blitz this week.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know how good Cindra is doing on the competitive scene right now. Today’s list is going to piggyback off of that momentum and bring the newest Ninja’s speed to the Blitz format.

Let’s talk about Cindra!

Is It Even Possible to Build Cindra on a Budget?

Fair question, but yeah, definitely! It turns out most of the cost for building a Cindra deck is in the armor kit. By swapping out the armor for budget friendly alternatives, we have a very powerful main deck and a clear upgrade path.

Legendary level equipment is legendary for a reason. It’s leaps and bounds better than what can be found in the budget category – most of the time. That being said, we’ve got a few solid options that are both cheap and powerful.

Budget Equipment for Cindra

First things first, Mask of Momentum and Blood Splattered Vest are way outside of our budget. We’re trying to stay as close to $100 as we can get, so to that purpose, we’ll borrow our head slot from Ira.

The Mask of Three Tails that comes from the Round the Table UPF deck gives us a one-time use, free extra card. In the faster/shorter games we typically have in Blitz, this can often be all we actually need to overwhelm our opponent quickly.

I’d also like to note that our budget helmet option has a small leg up on Mask of Momentum: the trigger ability isn’t reliant on three chain links hitting in a row. As long we we’ve hit three times on the combat chain period, we can get a free card! We have decent options in the chest and leg slots as well.

Snappies are a classic go-wide leg slot and super easy to acquire, and I’ve talked about it in a lot of previous articles. However, it’s been a while since Blossom of Spring was a relevant card, but it serves its purpose here. Also, be aware that you have to activate Blossom before you start your combat chain, or you’re going to be sad. (It’s a full action to activate, so you’ll have to break the chain to do it.)

Danger Digits…. well, Danger Digits does its best Flick Knives impression once per game. It is what it is. Flick Knives is also way outside of our budget, but if you’ve got one, run it.

How About the Rest of Our Blitz Budget Cindra Deck?

One of the best things about Blitz as a format is that you don’t need as many copies of cards to fill out your list. In fact, because of that, we can get away with using just about everything that a full-power, red-line list can use!

The only card in the deck that isn’t red is the pair of yellow Brands, but those are critical for keeping our Draconic chain links rolling.

As I often do, we’re going with a very, VERY aggressively slanted approach to our game plan with this list. Every card in the deck is gas, and we’re throwing matches at our opponent’s feet.

The only exception is the pair of Wax Ons we’re keeping handy. Blocking for five against any attack that costs zero is a lot of value, especially in Ninja mirrors or games against the plethora of Assassins running amuck these days.

Now, how about we get right to what you came for…

The Deck List for Cindra Blitz On a Budget

Final Thoughts On Budget Cindra

This week’s list comes in right on the money at $100 (shipped) to build as of time of writing. With Skirmish season coming, now’s a good time to practice being as ruthless as you can be with Flesh and Blood’s newest Ninja. For this price, it’s definitely worth trying out!

A couple of notes: you should pick and choose which finishers (chain enders) you’re running depending on if you’re first or second. Breaking Point is great if you’re going second and can threaten their turn-zero arsenal, for example. Since we’re a 99% red list, we only have Arcane Lantern and Spell Fray Leggings for Arcane Barrier/prevention.

Like I said, our mission is to kill quickly or die trying, but if we do have to pitch to AB, there’s no point in having more than one.

What do you think of the list? Are you ready to burn your opponent to cinders with Cindra at your Skirmish? Do you want to listen to me and a couple of nerd friends yap about Flesh and Blood on our podcast? Hit me up on Twitter, Blue Sky, or Discord as Dracohominis87 and let me know!

Wanna catch up on everything going on in Flesh and Blood? Then click here to get all the new news.

Donnie K

Donnie K

Donnie has been a TCG nerd since grade school in the '90s when Pokemon cards first came to the US. From there he played the other big TCGs and some smaller ones for years before finding Flesh and Blood in late 2022. Now, he's a fully grown TCG nerd and family man who's constantly trying to cram his love of cardboard into a busy life.

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