The Gym Heroes set, released in 2000, was only the fourth set for the Pokémon Trading Card Game (or TCG), but brought numerous innovations to the game. One of these innovations was “Owner’s Pokémon,” which meant that some Pokémon had different stats and abilities, depending on who had trained them. In Gym Heroes, the owners were familiar names from Gym Leaders in the Kanto region (from the original Game Boy Pokémon titles), such as Lt. Surge, Erika, or Brock and Misty, who were also famous as Ash Ketchum’s travelling companions in the Pokémon animated show. Owner’s Pokémon are making a comeback after many years away, making Battle Partners a pretty exciting set, so let’s take a look at all 132 of the cards!
Table of Contents
ToggleBattle Partners: Main Set Card Gallery
The main set for the Japanese Pokémon TCG set, Battle Partners, will have 100 cards, and the sv9 set code (found in the bottom left of the card). Here’s the full gallery of cards for the Battle Partners main set:

Battle Partners: Main Set Card List
Of course, with the cards being in Japanese, it may not be immediately obvious what each one is. So here’s a list of the cards; note that the names of some cards may change when they’re officially translated into English, later in 2025:
- 001/100 Caterpie
- 002/100 Metapod
- 003/100 Butterfree
- 004/100 Paras
- 005/100 Parasect
- 006/100 Maractus
- 007/100 Karrablast
- 008/100 Shelmet
- 009/100 Accelgor
- 010/100 Sprigatito
- 011/100 Floragato
- 012/100 Meowscarada
- 013/100 Magmar
- 014/100 Magmortar
- 015/100 N’s Darumaka
- 016/100 N’s Darmanitan
- 017/100 Volcanion ex
- 018/100 Articuno
- 019/100 Remoraid
- 020/100 Octillery
- 021/100 Lotad
- 022/100 Lombre
- 023/100 Ludicolo
- 024/100 Wailmer
- 025/100 Wailord
- 026/100 Iono’s Voltorb
- 027/100 Iono’s Electrode
- 028/100 N’s Joltik
- 029/100 Iono’s Tadbulb
- 030/100 Iono’s Bellibolt ex
- 031/100 Iono’s Wattrel
- 032/100 Iono’s Kilowattrel
- 033/100 Lillie’s Clefairy ex
- 034/100 Mr. Mime
- 035/100 Shuppet
- 036/100 Banette
- 037/100 Beldum
- 038/100 Metang
- 039/100 Metagross
- 040/100 N’s Sigilyph
- 041/100 Lillie’s Cutiefly
- 042/100 Lillie’s Rebombee
- 043/100 Lillie’s Comfey
- 044/100 Swinub
- 045/100 Piloswine
- 046/100 Mamoswine ex
- 047/100 Larvitar
- 048/100 Pupitar
- 049/100 Regirock
- 050/100 Pancham
- 051/100 Rockruff
- 052/100 Lycanroc
- 053/100 Hop’s Silicobra
- 054/100 Hop’s Sandaconda
- 055/100 Klawf
- 056/100 Koffing
- 057/100 Weezing
- 058/100 Tyranitar
- 059/100 N’s Purrloin
- 060/100 N’s Zorua
- 061/100 N’s Zoroark ex
- 062/100 Pangoro
- 063/100 Escavalier
- 064/100 N’s Klink
- 065/100 N’s Klang
- 066/100 N’s Klinklang
- 067/100 Magearna
- 068/100 Hop’s Corviknight
- 069/100 Hop’s Zacian ex
- 070/100 Bagon
- 071/100 Shelgon
- 072/100 Salamence ex
- 073/100 Druddigon
- 074/100 N’s Reshiram
- 075/100 Hop’s Snorlax
- 076/100 Sentret
- 077/100 Furret
- 078/100 Dunsparce
- 079/100 Dudunsparce ex
- 080/100 Noibat
- 081/100 Noivern
- 082/100 Komala
- 083/100 Hop’s Rookidee
- 084/100 Hop’s Corvisquire
- 085/100 Hop’s Wooloo
- 086/100 Hop’s Dubwool
- 087/100 Hop’s Cramorant
- 088/100 Super Potion
- 089/100 N’s PP Up
- 090/100 Exchange Ticket
- 091/100 Hop’s Bag
- 092/100 Hop’s Choice Band
- 093/100 Lillie’s Pearl
- 094/100 Iris’s Fighting Spirit
- 095/100 Ruffian
- 096/100 Brock’s Scouting
- 097/100 N’s Castle
- 098/100 Levincia
- 099/100 Postwick
- 100/100 Spike Energy
Battle Partners: Secret Rare Card Gallery
If you’re a fan of the Pokémon TCG, you’ll already know that most of the highly sought after cards will be numbered beyond the officially stated number of cards in a set. For example, with Battle Partners having 100 cards in its main set, any cards numbered above 100 are known as Secret Rare cards. Secret Rares are generally alternate art versions of other cards in a set, though they do sometimes feature a few cards from a previous set, albeit with a new type of foil that the card hasn’t been printed in before. Let’s take a look at the Secret Rare cards for Battle Partners, numbered 101-132:

Battle Partners: Secret Rare Card List
Here are the translated names of the cards in the Secret Rare card gallery:
- 101/100 Maractus
- 102/100 Articuno
- 103/100 Wailord
- 104/100 Iono’s Kilowattrel
- 105/100 Lillie’s Ribombee
- 106/100 Swinub
- 107/100 Lycanroc
- 108/100 N’s Zorua
- 109/100 N’s Reshiram ex
- 110/100 Furret
- 111/100 Noibat
- 112/100 Hop’s Wooloo
- 113/100 Volcanion ex
- 114/100 Iono’s Bellibolt ex
- 115/100 Lillie’s Clefairy ex
- 116/100 Mamoswine ex
- 117/100 N’s Zoroark ex
- 118/100 Hop’s Zacian ex
- 119/100 Salamence ex
- 120/100 Dudunsparce ex
- 121/100 Iris’s Fighting Spirit
- 122/100 Ruffian
- 123/100 Brock’s Scouting
- 124/100 Volcanion ex
- 125/100 Iono’s Bellibolt ex
- 126/100 Lillie’s Clefairy ex
- 127/100 N’s Zoroark ex
- 128/100 Hop’s Zacian ex
- 129/100 Salamence ex
- 130/100 Iono’s Bellibolt ex
- 131/100 N’s Zoroark ex
- 132/100 Spike Energy
When Was Battle Partners Released?

The Japanese Battle Partners set for the Pokémon TCG was released on the 24th of January; fans who bought a booster box also received the Iono’s Wattrel promo card, as pictured above. The set will make its way to the West with the English language Journey Together set, which is releasing on the 28th of March, 2025
Take a look at the most popular cards from other Pokémon TCG sets, with our lists of the most wanted cards from Terastal Festival and Surging Sparks.
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