We know what the different card rarities are, let’s take a look at how often you can expect to see the different types of cards when you open booster packs. As a quick explanation before we jump through to the table, just note that the number on the left is how many cards you can expect from the number of booster packs shown on the right.
To explain that point further: for Common cards at 9:1, that means you’ll find 9 Common cards in every 1 booster pack. For Legendary cards at 1:8, they’re much harder to find, with just 1 Legendary card in every 8 packs. With 16 cards in every booster pack, there’s a surprising number of variables at play; it’s worth noting that the official breakdown of a booster pack from Fantasy Flight is as follows: each booster contains 9 Common cards, 3 Uncommon cards, 1 Rare or Legendary card, 1 Leader, 1 Base/Token (these are double sided), and 1 foil card (this can be any rarity, as noted in the table above).
With the foil, the Leader and Base all being available at various rarities, there’s the potential to find more than one unexpectedly high rarity card in each pack too. To make it easier to see at a glance, here’s the table:
Rarity | Common | Uncommon | Rare | Legendary | Hyperspace | Showcase |
Pull Rate | 9:1 | 3:1 | 1:1* | 1:8 | 2:3 | 1:288** |
*Note that a Rare may be replaced with a Legendary card in 1 in 8 booster packs; the ‘slot’ for Rare is best classified as ‘Rare or Higher’.
**Your eyes aren’t deceiving you; it really is the case that Showcase cards appear at the rate of 1 in every 12 boxes of 24 booster packs!
Table of Contents
ToggleWhat Card Rarities Are There In Star Wars Unlimited?

Before we get into the details of which cards you’ll find in a pack, it’s worth knowing exactly what card rarities are on offer in Star Wars Unlimited. Though we’ve covered this in greater detail in our Star Wars Unlimited Card Rarities guide, the different types of card rarities are:
Rarity | Common | Uncommon | Rare | Legendary | Hyperspace | Showcase |
Card Code | C | U | R | L | Any* | Any** |
*Hyperspace cards are borderless art cards, and each card in the set has a Hyperspace variant, so these could have any rarity code; a Common Hyperspace card, despite its rarity in relation to the standard Common variant, will still have a C, for example.
**Showcase cards are a full, alternate variant of Leader cards, and the rarity of Leaders runs from Common to Rare. At this stage, there are no Legendary Leader cards.

We know what the different card rarities are, let’s take a look at how often you can expect to see the different types of cards when you open booster packs. As a quick explanation before we jump through to the table, just note that the number on the left is how many cards you can expect from the number of booster packs shown on the right.
To explain that point further: for Common cards at 9:1, that means you’ll find 9 Common cards in every 1 booster pack. For Legendary cards at 1:8, they’re much harder to find, with just 1 Legendary card in every 8 packs. With 16 cards in every booster pack, there’s a surprising number of variables at play; it’s worth noting that the official breakdown of a booster pack from Fantasy Flight is as follows: each booster contains 9 Common cards, 3 Uncommon cards, 1 Rare or Legendary card, 1 Leader, 1 Base/Token (these are double sided), and 1 foil card (this can be any rarity, as noted in the table above).
With the foil, the Leader and Base all being available at various rarities, there’s the potential to find more than one unexpectedly high rarity card in each pack too. To make it easier to see at a glance, here’s the table:
Rarity | Common | Uncommon | Rare | Legendary | Hyperspace | Showcase |
Pull Rate | 9:1 | 3:1 | 1:1* | 1:8 | 2:3 | 1:288** |
*Note that a Rare may be replaced with a Legendary card in 1 in 8 booster packs; the ‘slot’ for Rare is best classified as ‘Rare or Higher’.
**Your eyes aren’t deceiving you; it really is the case that Showcase cards appear at the rate of 1 in every 12 boxes of 24 booster packs!
What Are The Shadows of the Galaxy Foil and Hyperspace Card Pull Rates?

With a foil card in each pack, what are the chances of you getting a foil variant of a rare card? Any card can be Hyperspace (see the example shown in the above image, of a standard Kylo Ren card on the left and a Hyperspace variant on the right), including Leaders and Bases, but Hyperspace cards can also be foil, making them extra special and hard to come by! So the pull rates for those are as follows:
Rarity | Foil (Any Rarity) | Hyperspace Rare/Legendary* | Foil Hyperspace Rare/Legendary** |
Pull Rate | 1:1 | 1:15 | 1:50 |
*As you can see from the previous table of pull rates, the chances of a Hyperspace card is 2 in every 3 packs – but the chance of these being Rare or Legendary goes down to 1 in every 15 packs.
**You’ll get a foil card in every pack, as you can see from the Foil (Any Rarity) entry – but the chance of this Foil being a Hyperspace Rare or Legendary is just 1 in every 50 boosters!
Though, as we’ve mentioned, Star Wars Unlimited feels geared primarily towards players rather than collectors, the Hyperspace, Hyperspace Foil and Showcase cards are definitely ones that collectors will be chasing.
Are All Cards In The Shadows Of The Galaxy Set Available In Booster Packs?

Perhaps surprisingly, the answer to the question of whether or not you can collect the entire Shadows of the Galaxy set through boosters alone is: no. So why is that?
Well, that’s because some cards are Starter exclusive, meaning you have to pick up a Starter set (which we’ve reviewed here) to have those last few cards for your collection. These have an S rarity code, which you can see circled in red, on the bottom right of the Leader card for The Mandalorian, in the image below.

Other than that, all other card rarities and types can be found in booster packs, but of course you need some serious luck, or the Force, on your side if you want to get your hands on those Showcase cards. In fact, if you check out our most valuable Shadows of the Galaxy cards list, you’ll see just that Showcase cards are being pursued even more than the Jedi after Order 66!
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