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10 Most Expensive Blue-Eyes White Dragon Cards In 2023

most valuable blue eyes white dragon cards

Blue-Eyes White Dragon is one of the most famous cards in Yu-Gi-Oh, largely thanks to the fact that it was one of the main cards used by antagonist Kaiba in the original Yu-Gi-Oh anime for the entire run of the show.

It was also the main card featured in the very first Yu-Gi-Oh set ever printed, Legend of Blue-Eyes, and arguably the most iconic card in Yu-Gi-Oh history.

Due to this, there are a lot of printings of the card, and a lot of them are extremely expensive, as we’ll explore right now. 

Currently this ghost rare sells at $160, meaning that it’s on the more expensive scale for a Blue-Eyes White Dragon on this list, but nowhere near as much as some of the cards that we talk about later.

1. Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Legend of Blue-Eyes 1st Edition Ultra Rare)

Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Legend of Blue-Eyes 1st Edition Ultra Rare)

Was it ever going to be anything else? This printing of Blue-Eyes White Dragon is one of the first cards ever printed in Yu-Gi-Oh history and is an important part of why Yu-Gi-Oh is so popular today.

Versions of this card have sold for as much as $50,000, with a recent PSA 9 graded copy of the card selling for over $10,000 on eBay.

Regardless of any reprints, this card will never go down in value, because there’ll never be another first-edition Legend of Blue-Eyes Blue-Eyes White Dragon printed. 

2. Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Dark Duel Stories Prismatic Secret Rare Promo)

Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Dark Duel Stories Prismatic Secret Rare Promo)

This version of Blue-Eyes White Dragon was only printed in the first wave of the Dark Duel Stories Gameboy title, days after Legend of Blue-Eyes first launched.

It was one of three different promo cards available, with Dark Magician and Exodia The Forbidden One taking up the other two slots, but the second wave of those games came with three entirely different promo codes, all of which are next to worthless now,

For a card like this, you’re looking at spending over $1000, with a near-mint condition PSA 10 Gem Mint copy costing over $8000.

In the entire world, there are around 180 PSA 9 variants of this card and 150 PSA 10 variants of the card, meaning that you’re unlikely to just come up against one in the wild anytime soon. Out of all three cards printed in the first wave, this is absolutely the most expensive one. 

3. Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Retro Pack 1 Ultra Rare)

Retro Pack 1 was a Yu-Gi-Oh set that didn’t really do much at the time. There were no real meta-changing cards in there, with cards being printed for nostalgia above all else.

However, Blue-Eyes White Dragon is still one of the more expensive cards in this set, fetching upwards of $250, meaning that even trying to get hold of the card is difficult unless you’re extremely loaded. 

4. Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Magnificent Maven’s Secret Pharoh’s Rare)

Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Magnificent Maven’s Secret Pharoh’s Rare)

Magnificent Mavens might have only been released last year, but this Blue-Eyes White Dragon is already one of the more expensive variants of the popular card.

It’s a secret Pharoh’s Rare printing, which looks extremely beautiful, but are some of the rarer cards in the entire set which means you’re really likely to see the price jump over the course of the next few years. 

Currently, the card is selling at just under $200, but that will likely go up as people realize how rare this card actually is, and will become more of a collector’s piece that is framed and used to show off.

5. Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Ghosts From The Past 2 Ghost Rare)

blue eyes white dragon ghost rare

Ghosts From The Past was historically known as a fairly mediocre set, not printing many cards that people wanted at the time.

When Ghosts From The Past 2 was released, the same worry was aimed at the set, but Ghosts From The Past 2’s Ghost  Rare Printing of Blue-Eyes White Dragon managed to make this list simply due to the thousands and thousands of people who were requesting that this card would be printed.

6. Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Jump Pack Spring 2016 Ultra Rare Promo)

Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Jump Pack Spring 2016 Ultra Rare Promo)

Jump Pack Spring 2016 was a reprint of a set that was released two years prior and originally only appeared in the OCG as a V Jump Magazine Promo Code, but was later brought over to the TCG.

The artwork has never appeared on another Blue-Eyes White Dragon printing since. That means that this is your only chance to get your hands on this specific version of the card, and you’ll have to spend around $136 if you actually want it at all.

It’s worth it though, since it’s one of the most beautiful cards in Yu-Gi-Oh and the most beautiful Blue-Eyes White Dragon. 

7. Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Kazuki Takahashi Anniversary Pack Ultra Rare)

Kazuki Takahashi is a beloved figure in the Yu-Gi-Oh community for multiple reasons, not least due to the fact that it’s him behind all of the most iconic designs in Yu-Gi-Oh history.

This specific printing of Blue-Eyes White Dragon in an anniversary pack is one of only a few variants of this art that exist in the game and is currently listed at around $120.

If you want a card that is unique in more ways than one, then you need to get your hands on this card. 

8. Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Blue Colorful Rare Promo)

Duelist League was a local league scene that ran from 2010 to 2014, but not many stores actually participated in the scene, which meant that these promo codes became extremely rare as a direct result of this, making it difficult to get this card.

While as a rare, it’s not exactly the most beautiful art that you can have, it came in four separate colors meaning that getting your hands on this specific Blue promo is difficult.

Of course, if you’re willing to drop $70 on the card you can get it right now.

9. Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Haunted Mine Gold Ghost Rare)

Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Haunted Mine Gold Ghost Rare)

Haunted Mine saw a Gold Ghost Rare variant of Blue-Eyes White Dragon that at the height of demand was approaching 200 dollars but has now lost a lot of value. 

Thanks to the Ghost Rare variant in Ghosts From The Past 2, this card has been cut in value, especially since people don’t really like the Gold Ghost rare variants.

Currently, you can get this card for around $70.

10. Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Legend Of Blue-Eyes Unlimited Ultra Rare)

Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Legend Of Blue-Eyes Unlimited Ultra Rare)

While Legend of Blue-Eyes was the first set in Yu-Gi-Oh history and as such has its fair share of expensive cards, the set has also been reprinted multiple times due to the historical value that the set holds.

As recently as this year, new booster boxes of Legend of Blue-Eyes have been back on store shelves, and due to this, the value of an unlimited ultra rare can fluctuate.

Still, the unlimited Ultra Rare is currently listed at a very respectable $60 over on TCGPlayer, making it a pretty valuable card overall, just not as valuable as everything else on this list.

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