Dark Magician Girl is known as one of Yugi’s two main ace monsters in the Yu-Gi-Oh anime, often partnering with Dark Magician himself to make extremely powerful attacks. If you ever ask a fan of Yu-Gi-Oh to name Yugi’s cards, it’s likely that they name Dark Magician Girl as one of the first cards they think of, but traditionally it’s not a card that’s really used in modern Yu-Gi-Oh, even in the Dark Magician deck.
Something about the lack of payoff for summoning it has prevented people from using it enough to make it at all relevant, but thanks to the exposure that the card received in both the anime and the manga, there are a few versions of it that are actually worth a decent amount of money, and are considered collectors editions.
We’ve taken a look at the data on TCG Player to find out what the current average selling prices are for Dark Magician Girl cards, and there may be some surprises here even for you long term Yu-Gi-Oh fans.
So without any further ado, let’s take a look at the most expensive Dark Magician Girl Yu-Gi-Oh cards!
Table of Contents
Toggle1. Dark Magician Girl – Magnificent Mavens, Secret Pharaoh’s Rare ($420)

First up is this relatively recent version of Dark Magician Girl, which was released as part of the Magnificent Mavens set in 2022. Not strictly a ‘booster set’, Magnificent Mavens was sold in boxes, with each box containing a random set of 70 card sleeves (featuring 1 of six different card designs) and four booster packs, each containing 5 Ultra Rare cards.
This Dark Magician Girl card was one of those cards, and its relative scarcity has made its value significantly high, despite how new it is. Though all cards in Magnificent Mavens are Ultra Rare, meaning that they have a holofoil treatment on the card’s artwork, and the card’s name having a gold foil finish, this Dark Magician Girl card is also a Secret Pharaoh’s Rare card. That means it has hieroglyphs applied over the foil treatment of the artwork, which is similar to another rarity type in Yu-Gi-Oh, the Millennium Rare.
So with all of that in mind, it’s perhaps not surprising that this Dark Magician Girl card has a current average selling price of around $420!
2. Dark Magician Girl – Magician’s Force, Secret Rare ($244)

Not so long ago, this version of Dark Magician Girl was the most expensive card on this list. That wasn’t surprising, given that it was the very first printing of Dark Magician Girl. Part of the Magician’s Force set, it was released way back in 2003, making this card over 20 years old!
Despite the fact that it’s no longer the most expensive Dark Magician Girl card overall, the fact that it currently sells for $244 on average means that it’s hardly an impulse buy. Of course, that price will rise significantly depending on the condition of the card, as well as whether or not you find a highly graded copy, which can massively increase any card’s value.
3. Dark Magician Girl – Ghosts from the Past: The 2nd Haunting, Ghost Rare ($150)

The Ghost Rare rarity is particularly scarce, with not many cards getting this special treatment. Ghost Rares have a monochrome, grey coloured look, with shiny silver on the card name and a split image for the artwork of the monster on the card, giving it a pseudo 3D effect.
As you can see from the above card, this particular Dark Magician Girl is a Ghost Rare, and it’s part of the Ghosts from the Past: The 2nd Haunting set, which was released in 2022. A sequel to the 2021 set Ghosts from the Past, these sets feature only Ultra Rares and a small number of Ghost Rare cards.
Ghost Rares in general tend to be highly sought after, and therefore valuable, with this Dark Magician Girl Ghost Rare selling for an average price of $150.
4. Dark Magician Girl – Duelist League, Red Promo ($120)

Though there are various Dark Magician Girl cards that could be found in Duelist League promo packs, it’s the one with red foil lettering in the card’s name which commands the highest price. The Duelist League was a tournament system which ran from 2010 to 2014, but didn’t see the success that publishers Konami had hoped for. One of the reasons for that was a lack of support, with few stores actually running the Duelist League events, despite the involvement of big retail names such as Toys R Us.
As there weren’t a huge amount of Promo packs and cards given out at events, it means that they’re pretty thin on the ground, and the fact that some cards were printed with different colours on the foil, making them even more unusual (Purple, Green, Red and Blue being the variants that could be found) and now, harder to find.
The Red foil variant from the 2014 Duelist League events is currently the most vaulable; despite its price fluctuating wildly over the last few years (at one stage, it could be found for as little as $1), it’s now selling for an average price of $120. So if you were one of the lucky people who either acquired one of these Dark Magician Girl cards, either from taking part in a Duelist League event or picking it up for around a dollar, congratulations: it’s now turned out to be an incredible investment!
5. Dark Magician Girl – Duelist League, Blue Promo ($103)

It seems that the Dark Magician Girl cards from the 2014 Duelist League promo set are all highly sought after; we’ve already covered the red foil variant, but each other type has made it onto this list of the most expensive Dark Magician Girl cards!
This second variant is the blue foil version; note that the only difference between each of these Duelist League promo cards is the colour of the foil that the card’s name is printed in. Despite that, each of them is holding their own, value-wise, and the blue version currently commands an average selling price of $103.
6. Dark Magician Girl – Duelist League, Green Promo ($100)

See? We told you the rest of the 2014 Duelist League promo cards were here! So here’s the Green version, which means we’re now three down with these promos, and we have only one to go.
It’s the same deal as before, of course; this was a card handed out to participants of Duelist League events in 2014, though of course it wouldn’t be guaranteed that you’d get this card specifically, given that they were random. Which is why they’re so valuable and sought after now!
Green foil aside, this is a fairly standard Dark Magician Girl card, from the artwork to everything else, including stats and its ability.
As is the case with all Dark Magician Girl cards, it has 2000 Attack and 1700 Defense, plus it gains an extra 300 Attack for every Dark Magician or Magician of Black Chaos in either player’s Graveyard. Which means that, in the right hands and against the right opponent, it can do some serious damage in-game!
7. Dark Magician Girl – Duelist League, Purple Promo ($85)

Here we are, with the final card from the four variants of the 2014 Duelist League Dark Magician Girl promos. To get a sense of just how rare these are, there were 18 different cards in the 2014 Duelist League set, and each one was available in one of the four different colours. Events were open to duelists of any age, but if you were older than 14, you were forbidden from entering more than three events!
So these cards were pretty hard to get your hands on, even if you were a kid; of course, now that enough time has passed (in the case of these specific cards, it’s been a decade since they were given out), they’re now extremely valuable.
Despite the fact that the Purple variant of the 2014 Duelist League Dark Magician Girl promo cards is the least valuable, and coincidentally the first card on our list to not reach triple figures in terms of its average selling price, it still commands a price of $85.
So if you want the entire set of four colours, you’ll be looking at a cost of more than $400 on average. Which is pretty amazing, considering that each of these cards were given out for free!
8. Dark Magician Girl – Legendary Collection 3: Yugi’s World, Secret Rare ($60)

Secret Rare cards in Yu-Gi-Oh sets can be quite hard to pull, so they tend to be quite the chase for fans desperate to get their hands on the rarest cards in any given set. This Dark Magician Girl is a Secret Rare card, which means it’s a particularly enticing one for collectors.
In most Trading Card Games (or TCGs), Secret Rare cards can be identified by the fact that they have a card number which goes above the ‘official’ number of cards in a set. For example, in Pokemon, a Secret Rare might have a card number of 65/64, making its existence a ‘secret’ due to the fact that there are only supposed to be 64 cards in a set.
Yu-Gi-Oh cards don’t specify the number of cards in a set, so instead a Secret Rare can be identified by its foil treatment; they have a holographic, rainbow foil treated card name, and a unique holofoil treatment on the card’s artwork too.
Though there are a few editions of this particular Dark Magician Girl card from the Yugi’s World set, if you look carefully you’ll see that this one has the ‘1st Edition’ text on the left, just below the card art.
Though this 1st Edition printing of the card has been known to sell well into triple figures (and definitely be prepared for it to still cost $100+, if not more, for a highly graded copy), its current average selling price is fairly reasonable, at $60.
9. Dark Magician Girl – 2005 Collector’s Tin, Secret Rare ($32)

This printing of Dark Magician Girl is one of the earliest ever printings of the card in the TCG, and it features artwork that hasn’t been seen for some time; in fact, the only other card that features the same image (so far, at least) has been one that’s found in the Yugi’s Legendary Decks set.
Though of course art is subjective, the fact that this card has such a unique looking representation of Dark Magician Girl gives it an instant appeal; that, and the fact that it’s another Secret Rare, making it particularly difficult to find!
Despite that, it’s actually a fairly reasonably priced card, especially in comparison to some of the pricier cards on this list. In fact, the average cost of this card at present is around $32. Which I think you’ll agree isn’t bad at all, especially considering the unique aesthetic of this particular Dark Magician Girl!
10. Dark Magician Girl – The Lost Art Promotion, Ultra Rare ($23)

The Lost Art Promos featured cards with previously Asian exclusive artwork, translating them into English for the first time as part of a Limited Edition promotion. The official Yu-Gi-Oh Facebook and Twitter accounts also allowed fans to vote for what cards they’d like to see make their way to the West for the first time in these promotions, which ensured that these would be cards that long term players and collectors would want to get their hands on!
This particular Dark Magician Girl card was part of the 2020 Lost Art promotion; you could only get your hands on the card by spending a certain amount of money at an official partner store, so it wasn’t necessarily widely available to all fans.
The illustration features Dark Magician Girl on a broomstick, with this specific artwork having been designed for a 2008 Anniversary Pack in Asian territories. Of course, with this being the first appearance of this particular card in English, it’s one that has definitely held onto its value.
At present, the current average selling price for the Lost Art 2020 Dark Magician Girl is around $23, making it a card that isn’t too prohibitively expensive to justify shelling out on.
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