The fourth set for Star Wars Unlimited, Jump to Lightspeed, is the first set for the game’s second year, and is perhaps the most exciting set so far. With a focus on space units, which have taken a backseat to ground units in the first three sets, it’s sure to shake up the meta in very interesting ways. Let’s take a look at all of the cards in the Jump to Lightspeed set.
Table of Contents
ToggleStar Wars Unlimited: Jump to Lightspeed Main Set Card Gallery
There are 262 cards in Jump to Lightspeed’s base set, though rarer variants of each card will be given numbers above 262. Here are all of the cards in the main set:

Star Wars Unlimited: Jump to Lightspeed Token Card Gallery
In any given set of Star Wars Unlimited, there are also token cards; with the focus on space units in Jump to Lightspeed, we have new token units representing TIE Fighters and X-Wings, along with Experience and Shield tokens featuring space-based artwork, as you can see from the revealed tokens below:

What Else Is New in Jump to Lightspeed?

The Piloting keyword is the newest to join the lineup of keywords in Star Wars Unlimited. Once more demonstrating the focus on space units, as you can see from the Chewbacca card above, Piloting is a keyword which allows ground units to enter the space arena, by attaching them as upgrades to vehicles (though in fairness, vehicles in the ground arena can also be piloted!).

The set will also see two-player starter sets retired and replaced with Spotlight Decks; these will feature different Leader cards, as always, and feature characters such as Han Solo and the above Boba Fett card heading up each deck.

Finally, Carbonite Edition booster packs are making their first appearance in Jump to Lightspeed, and these will contain special, variant artwork and foil treatment cards, including an entirely new card variant: Prestige.
When Did Jump to Lightspeed Release?

Released in March 2025, Jump to Lightspeed kicked off Star Wars Unlimited’s second year in a big way, with the game’s biggest shake up to its product range so far, along with the first ever shifting of focus to starships.
Check out our review of the two-player starter for Star Wars Unlimited’s third set, Twilight of the Republic; we also have details on the Boba Fett leader card, which was suspended for being too powerful!