Magic Banned List Updated Across Multiple Formats

The art for Splinter Twin, a card recently unbanned in Magic's Modern format. Illus. Goran Josic

On Monday, December 16th, Wizards of the Coast announced many groundbreaking bans and unbans in the Modern and Legacy formats of Magic: The Gathering. In the eyes of many players, some of these were a long time coming. But what got the axe, and what came back? At least one of the unbanned cards is a cause for many to celebrate, that’s for sure!

Read more here, and Commander’s Herald will elaborate on all of it!

Josh Nelson

Josh Nelson

Josh Nelson wears many hats. They are a music journalist when not writing gaming news. Beyond this, they're a scholar of the Sweeney Todd urban legend, a fan of monster-taming RPGs, and a filthy Macro Cosmos player. Josh has been playing card games of all sorts since 1998 and attributes their tenure to nostalgia, effort, and "aesthetic".

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