ULTRAPRO Window Premium PRO-Binder Review

ultrapro premium window binder
Huge potential, but lacks quality.
Binder Design9.0
Binder Protection4.0
Binder Organisation5.5

A great binder for casual collectors, but the lack of protection and poor stitching is disappointing. This is a binder that we recommend you not travel with, and we hope ULTRAPRO can adapt this product as it has great potential, but at this moment in time it needs a lot of work.

The world of card binders is continuously growing, with new adaptations, new materials being used and unique ways to store your beloved pieces of card.

One card binder that has grabbed my attention is the ULTRAPRO Window Premium PRO-Binder, which takes a different approach when it comes to showing off your and organising your binder.

But is worth the hype, and does it actually protect your cards well?

Before i jump into the review I do need mention to that ULTRAPRO has not sent us this as a review unit, I have purchased this using my own money, and have been using it for well over a year.


  • Executive style leatherette padded cover
  • Secure elastic closure strap
  • Non-PVC, ultra-clear archival-safe pages
  • Side-loading pockets keep cards secure
  • Holds up to 180 standard size (2-1/2″ x 3-1/2″) trading cards

Binder Design

ultrapro premium window binder open

The Window Premium PRO-Binder doesn’t necessarily put protection first, and instead sacrifices that protection for a visually pleasing way to show off your cards and to make it easier to organise.

This binder holds up to 180 trading cards and features a window on the front that allows you to see through the cutout to the card within the middle of the first page.

The outer shell of the binder uses a fake leatherette padded material, with stitching around the outskirts with extra tough padding along the spine.

This helps with protection and flexibility for when opening and closing.

On the front, you have an elastic strap that you wrap around the back to keep your binder from opening up when transporting it.

ultrapro window binder spine

This strap feels backwards to me, as when the strap is on the face of the binder it’s actually “open”, and i find myself forgetting to close the strap as typical folders and binders throughout the past featured it on the back, so you pull it over to the front.

However on the Window Premium PRO-Binder that’s not the case and feels backwards.

Upon opening you will be greeted by the side loading, high quality pockets that have not ripped once, even after using it for an entire year.

These pages can accept sleeved and un-sleeved trading cards, but i recommend using sleeves for a better, and more comfortable fit.

It’s connected to the folder using multi-layer stitching, using a triangular effect to increase strength.

Binder Protection

This window has zero protection, meaning you can poke your finger through and touch the page on the inside. This will put off many collectors straight away as this could mean that the card gets damaged in transit, it could get cut, poked or dented.

You’re not wrong, this can happen, but for me, this has yet to be the case, as the card sits about half an inch into the binder.

Because the binder is thin, and features a fake leather material as protection, you can bend the binder ever so slightly with force, so make sure you’re not placing it under anything heavy, or sitting on it accidentally when it’s in your bag, as the binder isn’t strong enough to protect it from that.

Due to the lack of serious protection, this binder is one I use at home to easily organise my cards.

I do not recommend using it if you are travelling with valuable cards regularly. This is a casual trading card binder.

In terms of card protection the pages on the inside are thick enough to stop dust and minor scratches from touching your cards.

Once your page is filled with cards, you will notice a small amount of floppiness, but this helps with easily scanning the pages to find your cards. It’s thick enough to stop your pages from accidentally folding over each other which is good, nobody likes floppy pages!

Binder Organisation

ultrapro window binder open

I found myself using the window on the front as a way to organise my cards, making it obvious as to what set, or type of cards are in the folder.

For example, I have a folder dedicated to Charizard’s and I can use the window to easily scan what’s in the binder without having to open it up entirely.

However, because of the A4 size, and the use of fake leather, there’s no way to write on the binder without writing on the fake leather itself.

Even the spine is too small and too rounder to write anything on it, so I would have liked to see something on the side that can be used to write on should card gamers want to store their binder side ways, and that’s why I state that this is a casual binder, for those wanting to store, and not organise their cards.

Overall Opinion

ultra PRO window binder seam

Overall the ULTRAPRO Window Premium PRO-Binder is a superb binder for those that are happy to sacrifice protection for style and want a casual binder that stays in their home.

Its window adds an easy way to organise your cards and makes the binder my go-to should i want it on display, there’s no denying it’s a great looking binder.

However, it’s worth noting that it doesn’t provide the best protection, and I have noticed over the year that that stitching in many places has frayed, counting over five different areas of frayed stitching.

One or two areas I can ignore, but this binder has far too many, and makes me believe they have used low quality stitching on this product.

It’s a very average binder that looks great, but doesn’t last the test of time for your high value cards.

I would have liked to see the used of a harder, possibly plastic material for the outer pages, and a plastic protector in the window to make it a reasonable binder to use when travelling.

I only recommend buying this for casual collectors who want a binder that never leaves their games room. Admittedly, it is one of the best trading card binders on the market, but i wouldn’t advise putting your high value cards inside.

Brandon Saltalamacchia

Brandon Saltalamacchia

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