It’s time to add some serious colour to the tabletop – as we check out all Rainbow Rare Pokemon Cards!
The Pokemon Trading Card Game has come a long way since its debut in the late 90s – and the progress is perhaps no better demonstrated than with the various spectacular treatments (check out our Holo vs Reverse Holo article for an explanation of the more common foil treatments), designs and special art illustrations on the game’s cards.
There’s a huge variety of special cards to be found in every set – and among these highly sought after card variants are Rainbow Rare cards.
So what Rainbow Rare cards are available – and what exactly are they?
Let’s take a look, as we take a peek behind the curtain – and list all Rainbow Rare Pokemon cards!
Table of Contents
ToggleAll Rainbow Rare Pokemon Cards

The list of cards shown above is as follows (separated by set so if one catches your eye, you can narrow down where to find it!):
Sun & Moon (Promo Cards)
- SM80 Ho-Oh GX
- SM155 Kingdra GX
- SM156 Dragonite GX
Sun & Moon
- 150/149 Lurantis GX
- 151/149 Lapras GX
- 152/149 Espeon GX
- 153/149 Lunala GX
- 154/149 Umbreon GX
- 155/149 Solgaleo GX
- 156/149 Tauros GX
- 157/149 Gumshoos GX
Sun & Moon: Guardians Rising
- 146/145 Decidueye GX
- 147/145 Incineroar GX
- 148/145 Turtonator GX
- 149/145 Primarina GX
- 150/145 Alolan Ninetales GX
- 151/145 Wishiwashi GX
- 152/145 Vikavolt GX
- 153/145 Tapu Koko GX
- 154/145 Toxapex GX
- 155/145 Tapu Lele GX
- 156/145 Lycanroc GX
- 157/145 Metagross GX
- 158/145 Sylveon GX
- 159/145 Kommo-o GX
- 160/145 Drampa GX
Sun & Moon: Burning Shadows
- 148/147 Golisopod GX
- 149/147 Tapu Bulu GX
- 150/147 Charizard GX
- 151/147 Salazzle GX
- 152/147 Tapu Fini GX
- 153/147 Necrozma GX
- 154/147 Machamp GX
- 155/147 Lycanroc GX
- 156/147 Marshadow GX
- 157/147 Alolan Muk GX
- 158/147 Darkrai GX
- 159/147 Gardevoir GX
- 160/147 Noivern GX
Shining Legends
- 74/73 Entei GX
- 75/73 Raichu GX
- 76/73 Mewtwo GX
- 77/73 Zoroark GX
Sun & Moon: Crimson Invasion
- 112/111 Gyarados GX
- 113/111 Alolan Golem GX
- 114/111 Nihilego GX
- 115/111 Buzzwole GX
- 116/111 Guzzlord GX
- 117/111 Kartana GX
- 118/111 Alolan Exeggutor GX
- 119/111 Silvally GX
Sun & Moon: Ultra Prism
- 157/156 Leafeon GX
- 158/156 Pheromosa GX
- 159/156 Glaceon GX
- 160/156 Xurkitree GX
- 161/156 Dawn Wings Necrozma GX
- 162/156 Celesteela GX
- 163/156 Dusk Mane Necrozma GX
- 164/156 Dialga GX
- 165/156 Palkia GX
Sun & Moon: Forbidden Light
- 132/131 Palkia GX
- 133/131 Greninja GX
- 134/131 Naganadel GX
- 135/131 Lucario GX
- 136/131 Zygarde GX
- 137/131 Yveltal GX
- 138/131 Dialga GX
- 139/131 Xerneas GX
- 140/131 Ultra Necrozma GX
Sun & Moon: Celestial Storm
- 169/168 Shiftry GX
- 170/168 Blaziken GX
- 171/168 Articuno GX
- 172/168 Electrode GX
- 173/168 Mr. Mime GX
- 174/168 Banette GX
- 175/168 Scizor GX
- 176/168 Stakataka GX
- 177/168 Rayquaza GX
Dragon Majesty
- 71/70 Reshiram GX
- 72/70 Altaria GX
- 73/70 Salamence GX
- 74/70 White Kyurem GX
Sun & Moon: Lost Thunder
- 215/214 Shuckle GX
- 216/214 Sceptile GX
- 217/214 Virizion GX
- 218/214 Magcargo GX
- 219/214 Blacephalon GX
- 220/214 Suicune GX
- 221/214 Zeraora GX
- 222/214 Sigilyph GX
Sun & Moon: Team Up
- 182/181 Celebi & Venusaur GX
- 183/181 Magikarp & Wailord GX
- 184/181 Pikachu & Zekrom GX
- 185/181 Ampharos GX
- 186/181 Gengar & Mimikyu GX
- 187/181 Hoopa GX
- 188/181 Incineroar GX
- 189/181 Cobalion GX
- 190/181 Latias & Latios GX
- 191/181 Eevee & Snorlax GX
Sun & Moon: Unbroken Bonds
- 215/214 Pheromosa & Buzzwole
- 216/214 Venomoth
- 217/214 Reshiram & Charizard
- 218/214 Blastoise
- 219/214 Dedenne
- 220/214 Muk & Alolan Muk
- 221/214 Marshadow & Machamp
- 222/214 Greninja & Zoroark
- 223/214 Honchkrow
- 224/214 Lucario & Melmetal
- 225/214 Gardevoir & Sylveon
- 226/214 Whimsicott
- 227/214 Persian
- 228/214 Celesteela
Sun & Moon: Unified Minds
- 237/236 Rowlet & Alolan Exeggutor GX
- 238/236 Heatran GX
- 239/236 Slowpoke & Psyduck GX
- 240/236 Keldeo GX
- 241/236 Raichu & Alolan Raichu GX
- 242/236 Mewtwo & Mew GX
- 243/236 Latios GX
- 244/236 Aerodactyl GX
- 245/236 Mega Sableye & Tyranitar GX
- 246/236 Mawile GX
- 247/236 Garchomp & Giratina GX
- 248/236 Dragonite GX
- 249/236 Naganadel GX
Sun & Moon: Cosmic Eclipse
- 249/236 Venusaur & Snivy GX
- 250/236 Vileplume GX
- 251/236 Charizard & Braixen GX
- 252/236 Volcarona GX
- 253/236 Blastoise & Piplup GX
- 254/236 Solgaleo & Lunala GX
- 255/236 Oricorio GX
- 256/236 Flygon GX
- 257/236 Alolan Persian GX
- 258/236 Arceus & Dialga & Palkia GX
- 259/236 Reshiram & Zekrom GX
- 260/236 Nagandel & Guzzlord GX
- 261/236 Mega Lopunny & Jigglypuff GX
- 262/236 Silvally GX
Sword & Shield
- 203/202 Lapras VMAX
- 204/202 Morpeko VMAX
- 205/202 Stonjourner VMAX
- 206/202 Snorlax VMAX
- 207/202 Bede
- 208/202 Marnie
- 209/202 Professor’s Research
- 210/202 Team Yell Grunt
Sword & Shield: Rebel Clash
- 193/192 Rillaboom VMAX
- 194/192 Cinderace VMAX
- 195/192 Inteleon VMAX
- 196/192 Toxtricity VMAX
- 197/192 Dragapult VMAX
- 198/192 Malamar VMAX
- 199/192 Copperajah VMAX
- 200/192 Boss’s Orders
- 201/192 Milo
- 202/192 Oleana
- 203/192 Sonia
Sword & Shield: Darkness Ablaze
- 190/189 Butterfree VMAX
- 191/189 Centiskorch VMAX
- 192/189 Eternatus VMAX
- 193/189 Scizor VMAX
- 194/189 Salamence VMAX
- 195/189 Pokémon Breeder’s Nurturing
- 196/189 Rose
Champion’s Path
- 074/073 Charizard VMAX
- 075/073 Drednaw VMAX
- 076/073 Gardevoir VMAX
- 077/073 Kabu
- 078/073 Piers
Sword & Shield: Vivid Voltage
- 186/185 Orbeetle VMAX
- 187/185 Galarian Darmanitan VMAX
- 188/185 Pikachu VMAX
- 189/185 Coalossal VMAX
- 190/185 Aegislash VMAX
- 191/185 Togekiss VMAX
- 192/185 Allister
- 193/185 Bea
- 194/185 Beauty
- 195/185 Leon
- 196/185 Nessa
- 197/185 Opal
Sword & Shield: Battle Styles
- 164/163 Flapple VMAX
- 165/163 Victini VMAX
- 166/163 Tapu Koko VMAX
- 167/163 Urshifu VMAX
- 169/163 Urshifu VMAX
- 171/163 Corviknight VMAX
- 172/163 Bruno
- 173/163 Cheryl
- 174/163 Korrina’s Focus
- 175/163 Phoebe
- 176/163 Rapid Strike Style Mustard
- 177/163 Single Strike Style Mustard
Sword & Shield: Chilling Reign
- 199/198 Celebi VMAX
- 200/198 Blaziken VMAX
- 202/198 Ice Rider Calyrex VMAX
- 204/198 Shadow Rider Calyrex VMAX
- 206/198 Sandaconda VMAX
- 207/198 Galarian Slowking VMAX
- 208/198 Metagross VMAX
- 209/198 Tornadus VMAX
- 210/198 Agatha
- 211/198 Avery
- 212/198 Brawly
- 213/198 Caitlin
- 214/198 Doctor
- 215/198 Flannery
- 216/198 Karen’s Conviction
- 217/198 Klara
- 218/198 Melony
- 219/198 Peonia
- 220/198 Peony
- 221/198 Siebold
Sword & Shield: Evolving Skies
- 204/203 Leafeon VMAX
- 206/203 Trevenant VMAX
- 207/203 Gyarados VMAX
- 208/203 Glaceon VMAX
- 210/203 Dracozolt VMAX
- 211/203 RS Sylveon VMAX
- 213/203 Lycanroc VMAX
- 214/203 SS Umbreon VMAX
- 216/203 Garbodor VMAX
- 217/203 RS Rayquaza VMAX
- 219/203 SS Duraludon VMAX
- 221/203 Aroma Lady
- 222/203 Copycat
- 223/203 Gordie
- 224/203 Raihan
- 225/203 Zinnia’s Resolve
Sword & Shield: Brilliant Stars
- 173/172 Shaymin VSTAR
- 174/172 Charizard VSTAR
- 175/172 Whimsicott VSTAR
- 176/172 Arceus VSTAR
- 177/172 Cheren’s Care
- 178/172 Cynthia’s Ambition
- 179/172 Kindler
- 180/172 Roseanne’s Backup
Sword & Shield: Astral Radiance
- 190/189 Hisuian Lilligant VSTAR
- 191/189 Heatran VMAX
- 192/189 Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR
- 193/189 Hisuian Typhlosion VSTAR
- 194/189 Machamp VMAX
- 195/189 Hisuian Decidueye VSTAR
- 196/189 Kleavor VSTAR
- 197/189 Hisuian Samurott VSTAR
- 198/189 Origin Forme Dialga VSTAR
- 199/189 Adaman
- 200/189 Choy
- 201/189 Cyllene
- 202/189 Gardenia’s Vigor
- 203/189 Grant
- 204/189 Iridia
- 205/189 Kamado
- 206/189 Roxanne
- 207/189 Zisu
Pokemon GO
- 079/078 Mewtwo VSTAR
- 080/078 Melmetal VMAX
- 081/078 Dragonite VSTAR
- 082/078 Blanche
- 083/078 Candela
- 084/078 Professor’s Research (Prof Willow)
- 085/078 Spark
Sword & Shield: Lost Origin
- 197/196 Kyurem VMAX
- 198/196 Magnezone VSTAR
- 199/196 Aerodactyl VSTAR
- 200/196 Drapion VSTAR
- 201/196 Giratina VSTAR
- 202/196 Hisuian Goodra VSTAR
- 203/196 Hisuian Zoroark VSTAR
- 204/196 Arezu
- 205/196 Colress’s Experiment
- 206/196 Fantina
- 207/196 Iscan
- 208/196 Lady
- 209/196 Miss Fortune Sisters
- 210/196 Thorton
- 211/196 Volo
Sword & Shield: Silver Tempest
- 196/195 Serperior VSTAR
- 197/195 Alolan Vulpix VSTAR
- 198/195 Regieleki VMAX
- 199/195 Unown VSTAR
- 200/195 Mawile VSTAR
- 201/195 Regidrago VSTAR
- 202/195 Lugia VSTAR
- 203/195 Brandon
- 204/195 Candice
- 205/195 Furisode Girl
- 206/195 Lance
- 207/195 Serena
- 208/195 Wallace
- 209/195 Worker
What Are Rainbow Rare Pokemon Cards?
Though the name is reasonably self explanatory – as you can see from the card images above – there’s a bit more to Rainbow Rares than just their minimalist illustrations and spectacular rainbow foil card treatment.
You’ll notice that every card’s numbering (except the Sun and Moon Promos) goes above the official numbering of its set.
For example, the first card listed for the Sun & Moon set, Lurantis GX, is designated as 150 out of 149 cards.
That’s because Rainbow Rares are also – in the vast majority of cases – Secret Rares; so-called because their numbering is not strictly revealed with the number of cards in the set.
Not all Secret Rares are Rainbow Rares – far from it – but just about all Rainbow Rares are Secret Rares, those first three Promos excluded!
What Sets Do Rainbow Rare Pokemon Cards Appear In?
As you can see from the above lists, Rainbow Rares made their first appearance in the Sun & Moon base set, back in 2017.
They then appeared in all Sun & Moon sets, then all Sword & Shield sets – and also the mini-sets, such as Pokemon GO, that appeared during the same period.
Are Rainbow Rare Cards Valuable Or Hard To Find?

Due to the fact that all Rainbow Rares are at the Secret Rare rarity level, they are actually very sparsely found in booster packs.
In fact, though you can typically find 1 Ultra Rare (which is one rarity level below Secret Rare) in every 5 packs – as a general rule, though this can vary slightly between sets – the frequency of Secret Rares is much lower.
You can generally expect to find only 1 Secret Rare in every 50 packs, or thereabouts!
So, yes – they are difficult to pull from boosters.
In many cases, that can make them pretty valuable too – there’s some very high prices for some Rainbow Rare cards!
You’ll see Rainbow Rares make appearances in our Most Valuable Machamp Pokemon Cards, and most Valuable Gyarados Pokemon Cards lists, for example.