10 Most Valuable Disney Lorcana: Rise of the Floodborn Cards

Floodborn Cards

Disney’s Lorcana Trading Card Game has been an absolute phenomenon, with feverish excitement greeting its arrival by TCG players and collectors alike, not to mention drawing Disney fans into a hobby they may well have never even considered being involved in before.

Publisher Ravensburger have struggled to keep up with demand; the debut set – The First Chapter – quickly sold out and became very difficult indeed for eager consumers to get their hands on.

Long-running Trading Card Games such as Magic: The Gathering and Pokemon keep interest high amongst their fan bases with a near-constant stream of regularly released new card sets – and Ravensburger’s plans for Lorcana definitely fit that mould.

So despite the supply and demand issues of The First Chapter – soon to be eased with reprints of the introductory set – the second Disney Lorcana set, Rise of the Floodborn, has arrived.

It’s brought more than 200 new cards to the game – and extends the lore by focusing on an intriguing element of the first set: Floodborn characters.

With excitement around Lorcana still at an incredibly high level, Rise of the Floodborn products have also been quite tough for players to get their hands on – which has seen prices for many cards skyrocket.

Which are the most valuable though?

1. Cinderella, Ballroom Sensation – Enchanted Rare, 205/204 ($254)

Disney Lorcana - Cinderella

So here we are with the overall most valuable card in Rise of the Floodborn – the Enchanted Rare variant of Cinderella, Ballroom Sensation.

As you’ll see by reading further down this list, every single card that appears is an Enchanted Rare.

Enchanted Rare cards are the highest rarity level in Lorcana – you can see more information on this in our guide to Disney Lorcana card rarity – and there’s numerous reasons why they’re so highly sought after.

Each Enchanted Rare features full, borderless art, along with a slightly textured, holographic foil treatment.

They’re absolutely spectacular to look at, but also very difficult to find – as you can see in our guide to Disney Lorcana: First Chapter pull rates, which apply to Rise of the Floodborn too.

So naturally, even the lesser powered – in game terms – Enchanted Rare cards can be extremely valuable, but those with the best mechanics tend to be the most highly sought after.

On the surface, Cinderella, Ballroom Sensation doesn’t look particularly special in terms of its game abilities.

A low cost card, it costs just 1 Ink to bring into play and, if you’re desperate, you can use it as Ink by playing it face down too (though you’ll lose the ability to use it again!).

It doesn’t excel in Strength, Willpower or Lore either (giving you 1, 2 and 1 for each of those characteristics respectively).

Yet it’s the card’s ability text that sets it apart: as a ‘Singer’, it allows you to treat Cinderella as a 3 cost card for the purpose of singing Songs.

With Songs that can utilise 3 Ink-cost characters to play for free often having pretty powerful effects, Cinderella, Ballroom Sensation can be a very useful card indeed to have on your side.

Which goes some way to explaining that $254 average price tag; naturally, the gorgeous art and spectacular holofoil treatment also plays a part!

2. Alice, Growing Girl – Enchanted Rare, 213/204 ($208)

Disney Lorcana - Alice, Growing Girl

In stark contrast to Cinderella, Ballroom Sensation, the card in our number two slot – Alice, Growing Girl – is much more in-depth in terms of its mechanics and abilities.

It’s also an Enchanted Rare; it’s worth noting that each Enchanted Rare card’s numbering goes above the number of cards in its set – for Rise of the Floodborn, that’s 204 cards.

Yet each Enchanted Rare’s number is above 204, with Alice, Growing Girl being card 213 of 204.

Why’s that, you ask?

Well, in Trading Card Games, there’s often a rarity level known as ‘Secret Rare’, which is where the card number exceeds the set’s standard numbering. Which explains what can seem a rather odd numbering convention to the casual observer!

So, what can Alice, Growing Girl do in gameplay terms?

Alice is a 3 cost Sapphire character, with 1 Strength, 4 Willpower and 1 Lore. On the surface, not bad – but certainly not great.

Her abilities make her shine, however – as her Good Advice ability gives the Support keyword to all other characters you have in play. That allows you to add their Strength to Alice’s when Questing – which is what helps to make her second ability so strong.

The What Did I Do? ability gives Alice a further 4 Lore when she has 10 or more Strength – so in theory, she can get you a quarter of the way to winning the game in a single turn, all by herself!

Not bad eh? Certainly helps to explain why this particular card is selling for $208 on average!

3. Sisu, Divine Water Dragon – Enchanted Rare, 214/204 ($181)

Disney Lorcana - Sisu, Divine Water Dragon

A much more recent addition to the ever expanding Disney Universe, Sisu debuted in the movie Raya and the Last Dragon.

A four cost card – that can’t be used as Ink, not that I suspect you’d want to in the first place – Sisu also has 2 Strength, 4 Willpower and 2 Lore.

Sisu’s ability allows you to look at the top two cards of your deck whenever you use it to Quest; you can then put one of those cards in your hand and the other on the bottom of your deck.

Given how difficult it can be to maintain a hand of cards at certain stages of the game, this is a welcome and very useful ability – especially as it allows you to pick what card you are likely to make the most use of!

So it’s no surprise to see this Enchanted Rare variant – which really does have amazing art – currently selling for around $181!

4. Snow White, Well Wisher – Enchanted Rare, 206/204 ($178)

Disney Lorcana - Snow White

With the Shift ability, Snow White, Well Wisher can basically ‘evolve’ another Snow White card you have in play – allowing you to get this character into the play area for a reduced cost.

Which is very helpful, considering it costs 6 Ink if you don’t use Shift, or 4 if you do. That reduction of 2 Ink could make a massive difference to the outcome of the game!

With a Strength of 3 and Willpower of 5, plus 2 Lore, Snow White, Well Wisher has excellent stats too.

Plus, she also has an ability which allows you to return a character from your discard pile straight into your hand whenever she Quests.

Not bad, right?

It’s no wonder this is a highly sought after Amber card – which sells for the not-insignificant price of $178 on average!

5. Arthur, Wizard’s Apprentice – Enchanted Rare, 207/204 ($160)

Disney Lorcana - Arthur

Hailing from one of the most underrated films in Disney’s oeuvre – The Sword in the Stone – Arthur, Wizard’s Apprentice is a 3 cost Amethyst card with fairly low stats, but an excellent ability.

So, those stats? Arthur has just 1 Strength and 3 Willpower, along with 1 Lore. 

Not very impressive on the face of it.

As with other cards on this list, however, it’s Arthur’s ability that makes him shine.

That ability allows Arthur – whenever he Quests – to return another chosen character you have in play to your hand, in order to gain 2 Lore. 

Naturally, this is the Enchanted Rare variant – so it pretty much goes without saying that it looks amazing too.

That power and the lovely aesthetic come at a price though – this Arthur, Wizard’s Apprentice care will set you back around $160

6. Beast, Relentless – Enchanted Rare, 210/204 ($142)

Disney Lorcana - Beast

A card that appears as good at face value as it does on a closer look, Beast, Relentless is a solid Emerald card that’ll cost you in Ink, but is well worth getting into play.

Though it has a high Ink cost of 6, Beast’s stats are impressive: 4 Strength, 5 Willpower and 2 Lore.

Its ability is excellent and very straightforward too: whenever an opposing character is damaged, you may ready Beast, Relentless.

Note that the character in question could be damaged by any source or character – as long as they’re damaged, you can ready Beast!

This Enchanted Rare variant of Beast, Relentless sells for around $142 on average – and it’s easy to see why!

7. Hercules, Divine Hero – Enchanted Rare, 215/204 ($140)

Disney Lorcana - Hercules, Divine Hero

As you’d expect given the nature of the character, Hercules, Divine Hero brings impressive strength to the table.

With stats of 6 Strength, 3 Willpower and 2 Lore, it’s a decent card even without taking its abilities into consideration.

Though it has a 6 Ink cost, Hercules has Shift of 4 too, so you can ‘evolve’ another Hercules card with this one, giving it a reduced cost in the process.

It also has Resist +2, which allows you to reduce any damage applied to Hercules by 2!

Despite having an average value of $140, this Steel type card is definitely a tempting investment.

8. Madam Mim, Purple Dragon – Enchanted Rare, 208/204 ($140)

Disney Lorcana - Madam Mim

Despite the fact that The Sword in the Stone is – as we’ve already mentioned – a slightly lesser known and underappreciated Disney film, there’s another card featuring a character from the Arthurian legend-inspired cartoon in our list!

Madam Mim is one of the villains from The Sword in the Stone – and she’s depicted here in her dragon form.

An Amethyst card, Madam Mim has a jaw-dropping set of stats – and a high Ink cost to match that power!

With 5 Strength, 7 Willpower and 4 Lore is incredibly strong – but does cost 7 Ink to play.

Not only that, but in order to make use of her, you need to return two other characters to your hand when you play her – or she’s banished from the game immediately!

With the Evasive keyword – meaning that only characters with the same keyword can challenge her – she’s also quite a tough character for an opponent to deal with.

Although this Enchanted Rare variant has an average selling price of $140, Madam Mim, Purple Dragon makes for quite the showstopping card to have in your collection!

9. Shere Khan, Menacing Predator – Enchanted Rare, 212/204 ($127)

Disney Lorcana - Shere Khan

A just above average card from a stats point of view, Jungle Book antagonist Shere Khan, Menacing Predator has a pretty cool ability that warrants a closer look.

Just don’t get too close to those claws, eh?

That ability allows Shere Khan to gain 1 Lore every time one of your characters challenges another character – which can give its player a huge boost when there’s several characters in play on each side!

Shere Khan only has a 3 Ink cost too, so it’s not too expensive to get into play – with 3 Strength, 3 Willpower and 1 Lore, it’s not the most impressive card stat-wise, but certainly no slouch.

Given its usefulness in game as well as the card’s beautiful illustration (not to mention that spectacular holofoil treatment), it’s not surprising that Shere Khan, Menacing Predator’s Enchanted Rare variant currently holds an average value of $127!

10. Lady Tremaine, Imperious Queen – Enchanted Rare, 211/204 ($124)

Disney Lorcana - Lady Tremaine

This is interesting: we both start and end our list with characters from Cinderella!

In this instance, we have the main villain of the story: Lady Tremaine.

Another card with Shift – which reduces the cost from 6 to 4 if you place it on top of another Lady Tremaine card – she also forces each of your opponent’s to banish one of their characters when she enters play!

Coupling that ability with pretty good stats – 3 Strength, 4 Willpower and 2 Lore – this Ruby card’s Enchanted Rare variant’s high value is unsurprising.

With an average cost of $124, Lady Tremaine, Imperious Queen certainly isn’t a cheap card to get your hands on – but then again, that’s definitely the case for many Enchanted Rare cards in Disney Lorcana, as this list proves!

Jason Brown

Jason Brown

Card Gamer's Creative Director, Jason has been a fan of both tabletop and digital gaming since the early 80s. He's been writing for more than 25 years, with bylines at Polygon, Nintendo Life, Retro Dodo, Lost in Cult and many more. He also regularly writes on a variety of geeky topics at his own website, midlifegamergeek.com.

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