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How To Unlock Tribes in Wildfrost

Clunkmasters, Snowdwellers, and Shademancers – these are the three Tribes of Wildfrost. But the question on everyone’s lips is how to unlock Tribes in Wildfrost?

It’s a reasonable enough question, and while the answer isn’t complicated, it does involve a lot of grinding… and, more than likely, many frosty deaths. 

Although the road ahead is arduous, it’s worth perservering to unlock all three of these Tribes, as each one has their own set of pros and cons. In fact, I’d go so far as to argue that Clunkmasters is the best Tribe of them all. 

But it’s not fair of me to give my two cents and now tell you how to discover their might for yourselves, which is why it’s time to learn how to unlock Tribes in Wildfrost!

How Do You Unlock Tribes In Wildfrost?

To gain access to all three Tribes, you need to unlock The Tribe Hall; you do this by completing the tutorial and returning to Snowdwell. Afterwards, you need to complete Missions to unlock each Tribe.

Snowdwellers are already unlocked because you begin the game with this Tribe. 

The next Tribe you’ll unlock are the Shademancers, which happens after you’ve defeated 50 enemies.

I know that sounds like a lot, but trust me, the amount you’ll lose in Wildfrost means you’ll easily battle 50 enemies in a short amount of time. 

Shademancers are a fantastic Tribe because they have Shades, spirits that can be summoned to protect you from harm, while also dishing out damage. 

But what about Clunkmasters, when do you unlock them? This time around you need to take on 100 enemies (if my memory serves me right). 

You’ll know when you’ve unlocked a new Tribe because you’ll be notified once your run with the current Leader comes to an end. I know that sounds like a poor trade off, but losing often means you build Snowdwell up much quicker, thus unlocking new items, allies, and more. 

Which Wildforst Tribe Is The Best?

Obviously, your preferences will play a huge role in whether you agree with me or not, but I think the Clunkmasters are the best Wildfrost Tribe. 

Even though Shades come in handy, the inventions of the Clunkmasters often deal more damage in a shorter amount of time. This Tribe also seems to have a more dynamic set of allies to choose from, which, again, helps you stay in the game for longer. 

There you have it – now you know how to unlock Tribes in Wildfrost, and you barely broke a sweat. But will you keep your cool when battling those Bosses?

Only time will tell. 

If you need help preparing, my 10 best Wildfrost beginner tips will save the day. And, for those looking to best the final boss, you need to learn how to beat the Veiled Lady in Wildfrost first (amongst other enemies). 

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