My First Battle Pokemon TCG Sets Revealed

pokemon my first battle

Though the Pokemon TCG has been enjoyed by players of all ages since releasing in the late 90s, it can be a bit daunting – and perhaps even slightly complex – for very young players to get into.

Which is where the My First Battle products will prove extremely helpful.

As reported on, the two My First Battle sets will release on September 29th 2023 – and provide the ideal entry point for first time TCG players.

Each box will contain two 17 card decks, two laminated single player play mats, a rule book, a metallic Pokemon coin, a sheet of damage counters and six Prize tokens.

The packaging promises that this provides enough for two players to learn and play a streamlined game with ‘foolproof guidance’.

Please excuse the low res images, these are the only images to have been leaked.

PokeBeach also point out that the packaging shows that new cards are included, featuring Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, and Pikachu.

Interestingly, it’s also clear from the packaging that the My First Battle cards have a different card back to standard Pokemon cards.

Much like cards featured in reproductions of Championship-winning decks, the unique backs on the My First Battle cards mean that they can’t be used in decks built for standard games of the Pokemon TCG.

Though this may make their use somewhat limited, the hope is that the players using these decks to learn to play will then quickly move on – evolve, even – to the full experience of the Pokemon TCG.

There’s seemingly no official announcement of the Pokemon My First Battle sets yet, so beyond the images of two sets – one with Bulbasaur, Oddish, Pikachu and Voltorb on the cover, then the other featuring Charmander, Vulpix, Squirtle, and Poliwag – and the text on the packaging, little more can be gleaned at this stage.

One thing’s for sure though; if you do have a tiny Pokemon fan in your life – who’s not quite able to grasp the rules of the full TCG just yet – this is going to be the best way to get them hooked as a lifelong fan of the trading card game!

You won’t be pulling any Pokemon God Packs, but hey, it’s the perfect way to learn how to play!

Jason Brown

Jason Brown

Card Gamer's Creative Director, Jason has been a fan of both tabletop and digital gaming since the early 80s. He's been writing for more than 25 years, with bylines at Polygon, Nintendo Life, Retro Dodo, Lost in Cult and many more. He also regularly writes on a variety of geeky topics at his own website,

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