If you think the release schedule for English language Pokemon sets is relentless, that’s nothing compared to the speed at which sets are often released in Japan. Though we’ve only just begun looking at upcoming Japanese set, Night Wanderer, details of the newest set have now been released.
It is worth noting that we have a bit of breathing room, when it comes to English language set releases, due to the fact that we don’t get the exact sets that are released in Japan. Instead, our sets are renamed and often made up of cards from more than one set. It’s often a great idea to check out what cards are featured in new Japanese sets, however, because you get a very early look at what’s coming up in the next English sets.
In any case, the next set to have been announced for Japanese release is Stellar Miracle. Let’s take a look at all of the cards in the Pokemon Stellar Miracle set!
Table of Contents
ToggleStellar Miracle: Base Set Card Gallery
Without including Secret Rare cards (which we’ll explain, and showcase, in the next section), there are 102 cards in the base set for Stellar Miracle. With Night Wanderer, the set code on each card, was sv6a, as it was a ‘special’ smaller set. However, Stellar Miracle is considered a full set, so the set code on the bottom left of the card is sv7. The previous, ‘full’ Japanese set, Mask of Change, released before Night Wanderer, was numbered sv6.

Of course, as the cards above are all in Japanese, it may be useful to know the English card translations and the card numbers. So, in order (and please note that the card names aren’t always final; some, most likely Trainer cards, may slightly change when The Pokémon Company bring them to English sets):
- 001/102 Ledyba
- 002/102 Ledian
- 003/102 Lileep
- 004/102 Cradily
- 005/102 Carnivine
- 006/102 Mow Rotom
- 007/102 Grubbin
- 008/102 Gossifleur
- 009/102 Eldegoss
- 010/102 Applin
- 011/102 Dipplin
- 012/102 Hydrapple ex
- 013/102 Salandit
- 014/102 Salazzle
- 015/102 Turtonator
- 016/102 Scorbunny
- 017/102 Raboot
- 018/102 Cinderace ex
- 019/102 Lapras ex
- 020/102 Finneon
- 021/102 Lumineon
- 022/102 Tirtouga
- 023/102 Carracosta
- 024/102 Crabominable
- 025/102 Chewtle
- 026/102 Drednaw
- 027/102 Veluza
- 028/102 Electabuzz
- 029/102 Electivire
- 030/102 Chinchou
- 031/102 Lanturn
- 032/102 Joltik
- 033/102 Galvantula ex
- 034/102 Charjabug
- 035/102 Vikavolt
- 036/102 Togedemaru
- 037/102 Zeraora
- 038/102 Slowpoke
- 039/102 Slowking
- 040/102 Drifloon
- 041/102 Drifblim
- 042/102 Comfey
- 043/102 Milcery
- 044/102 Alcremie
- 045/102 Fidough
- 046/102 Dachsbun
- 047/102 Iron Boulder
- 048/102 Cubone
- 049/102 Marowak
- 050/102 Rhyhorn
- 051/102 Rhydon
- 052/102 Rhyperior
- 053/102 Meditite
- 054/102 Medicham ex
- 055/102 Mienfoo
- 056/102 Mienshao
- 057/102 Pancham
- 058/102 Diancie
- 059/102 Crabrawler
- 060/102 Falinks
- 061/102 Gulpin
- 062/102 Swalot
- 063/102 Pangoro
- 064/102 Impidimp
- 065/102 Morgrem
- 066/107 Grimmsnarl
- 067/102 Klink
- 068/102 Klang
- 069/102 Klinklang
- 070/102 Meltan
- 071/102 Melmetal
- 072/102 Duraludon
- 073/102 Archaludon
- 074/102 Orthworm ex
- 075/102 Raging Bolt
- 076/102 Hoothoot
- 077/102 Noctowl
- 078/102 Glameow
- 079/102 Purugly
- 080/102 Fan Rotom
- 081/102 Bouffalant
- 082/102 Tornadus
- 083/102 Fletchling
- 084/102 Fletchinder
- 085/102 Talonflame
- 086/102 Wooloo
- 087/102 Dubwool
- 088/102 Terapagos ex
- 089/102 Glass Trumpet
- 090/102 Antique Root Fossil
- 091/102 Antique Cover Fossil
- 092/102 Payapa Berry
- 093/102 Occa Berry
- 094/102 Sparkling Crystal
- 095/102 Gravity Stone
- 096/102 Deluxe Bomb
- 097/102 Crispin
- 098/102 Lacey
- 099/102 Kofu
- 100/102 Briar
- 101/102 Great Tree
- 102/102 Area Zero Underdepths
Stellar Miracle Secret Rare Card Gallery
Even if you’re a fan of the Pokemon Trading Card Game (or TCG), regardless of whether you play, collect or both, you still might not be aware of what a ‘Secret Rare’ card is. Secret Rares are cards featuring numbers that go above the standard set’s numbering; for example, in Stellar Miracle, that’ll be any card with a number that goes above 102. So if your card has the number 108/102, like the Joltik below, for example, that’ll be a Secret Rare.
At the Secret Rare level, you’ll find alternate art and special foil treatment variants of cards from the Base Set; though you generally won’t find any unique cards as Secret Rares, in terms of what the card text says, they’ll often be the most visually stunning and highly sought after cards in a set.
In Stellar Miracle, there are 33 secret rares in total, made up of the following: 12 Illustration Rares, 12 full art cards (8 Pokemon ex and 4 Trainers), 6 Special Illustration Rare cards (4 Pokemon and 2 Trainers), and 3 Gold Rares. Let’s take a look at the full list of Secret Rares for the Stellar Miracle set:

Again, given that these are all in Japanese, it’s helpful to know what they are, though of course you may already recognise the Pokemon on these beautifully illustrated cards. So let’s take a look at the set number and name of each one:
- 103/102 Ledian
- 104/102 Lileep
- 105/102 Turtonator
- 106/102 Raboot
- 107/102 Crabominable
- 108/102 Joltik
- 109/102 Zeraora
- 110/102 Milcery
- 111/102 Meditite
- 112/102 Gulpin
- 113/102 Archaludon
- 114/102 Noctowl
- 115/102 Hydrapple ex
- 116/102 Cinderace ex
- 117/102 Lapras ex
- 118/102 Galvantula ex
- 119/102 Dachsbun ex
- 120/102 Medicham ex
- 121/102 Orthworm ex
- 122/102 Terapagos ex
- 123/102 Crispin
- 124/102 Lacey
- 125/102 Kofu
- 126/102 Briar
- 127/102 Hydrapple ex
- 128/102 Galvantula ex
- 129/102 Dachsbun ex
- 130/102 Terapagos ex
- 131/102 Lacey
- 132/102 Briar
- 133/102 Terapagos ex
- 134/102 Bravery Charm
- 135/102 Area Zero Underdepths
What’s New In Stellar Miracle?

Tera Pokemon ex were introduced in the Scarlet and Violet Base Set; since then, we’ve had quite a few cards that have been very prominent in the Pokemon TCG’s meta (if that terminology is new to you, the ‘meta’ refers to the current cards being used in the game, often in the context of what’s most popular in the decks that players put together).
Excitingly, Stellar Miracle is bringing a new type of Tera Pokemon ex to the game: Stellar Pokemon.
Stellar Pokemon, on the evidence of the current card we’ve seen (thanks to Justin Basil for the translation) have the same look and mechanics that Tera Pokemon ex do, which is to say that they have a very crystallised look to the Pokemon themselves, as well as a passive ability that stops them from being damaged when they’re on the Bench (and, therefore, not Active). There’s also a variation in the card’s visual design, in that they have a white background and rainbow border, giving them an arguably even more striking look than ‘normal’ Tera Pokemon ex.
Stellar Pokemon Mechanics
The big difference, in terms of mechanics, is that Stellar Pokemon appear to be similar to Dragon type Pokemon and (going way back now!) Crystal Pokemon from the early 00s e-Series card sets. This similarity comes from the fact that they use multiple types of Energy for their attacks; though powerful, they can be tricky to use, given that you’ll need very specific Energy cards attached to them in order for them to be used.
For example, on the Terapagos ex card that’s been revealed (and shown above), we can see that it requires 1 Grass, 1 Water and 1 Lightning Energy in order to use its Crown Opal attack. However, it’s definitely worth the effort; it deals 180 HP of damage to the opponent’s Active Pokemon, and as a rather impressive bonus, it also blocks all damage to the Terapagos ex on your opponent’s next turn, as long as it’s up against a Basic, non Colorless Pokemon.
Given the popularity of many Basic Pokemon ex cards (the majority of which do have a type that isn’t Colorless), we can see Stellar Cards really shaking up the meta for the Pokemon TCG. All that, and we’ve yet to see any more Stellar Pokemon, which makes the anticipation of more reveals very exciting indeed.
When Is Stellar Miracle Due To Be Released?

Stellar Miracle is out now in Japan. We are now aware that the majority of the cards in this set will head West in the English language set, Stellar Crown, which is due for release on the 13th of September, 2024.
So there you have it; that’s all of the cards in the Stellar Miracle set. Though there’s no massive developments, the introduction of the new Tera type, Stellar Pokemon, is sure to bring some interesting new combos and strategies to the current meta.